This was posted earlier.
JoinedPosts by Axelspeed
Surprise! Surprise! Another CELECBRITY JW!! (almost)
by stillAwitness interrance howard (crash and hustle and flow) wife is a jw including their 3 kids.
not him though, he was quoted as saying in december's issue of essence magazine that the religion is "too strict" for him.
ya think?
Getting Busted w/ Love Letters
by OpenFireGlass in.
love letters were the demise for many of the kids in congregations that i attended growing up..... i know i ended up in the library/back room several times for this (hopless romantic/ sagitarius) even put on public reproof for it.
(though i believe it was my dad's idea to have the elders put me on public reproof so that he could have more control over me).
Yep! It sucked big time.
And yes, JW girls got the same line just adjusted a little...."how old are you...(waits for response)...well you should know XXXX cannot have girlfriends because he's not ready for marraige."
Yeah, it was rough. But it helps knowing that I wasn't the only one who went through this craziness.
Getting Busted w/ Love Letters
by OpenFireGlass in.
love letters were the demise for many of the kids in congregations that i attended growing up..... i know i ended up in the library/back room several times for this (hopless romantic/ sagitarius) even put on public reproof for it.
(though i believe it was my dad's idea to have the elders put me on public reproof so that he could have more control over me).
LOL...thanks Lisa.
I never got busted with love letters, though a few led me to my most embarassing jw kid moments. In one case I was in a little back and forth with a girl in jr. high. Anyway, this back and forth gave me a little confidence so that I eventually for some reason became temporarily insane (forgot I had jw parents) and gave her my number when she asked for it. I told her the exact time to call (so that I could beat my mom to the phone, as she was the one with the flaming sword protecting the garden). Looking back, I don't know how I expected to carry on a conversation from that point. I guess I considered having a phone an accomplishment.
Anyway now the embarrassing part. Moms answers the phone, and the next words I here are "we're Jehovah's Witnesses and XXXX does not receive phone calls from girls who are not, and you should know that he is in no position to support a girlfriend or a wife".
The words are still ringing in my ears to this day.
Que, Sara, Sara
by finnrot ini seem to remember when i was a kid that the innocent song que, sara, sara song sung by doris day was considered evil.
i was a kid in the 1960's and i remembered that i thought that song was cool.
but i seem to remember that it was hated by the witnesses.
LDH...I would love to someday hear your stories you have to are hilarious!
BETHEL NEWS: Bethel Elder Arrangement to be dissolved as of Aug. 31, 2006
by Elsewhere inhere is some news from a source within one of the wts branches:
hot news from todays morning worship announcement worldwide -- letter from gb being read on 1st of march 2006 to every branch (hopefully we will have a copy of the letter soon.).
as of aug. 31, 2006 the bethel elder arrangement will be dissolved!
Well, people only have power over others to the extent that the others allow it...
Unfortunately, JWs are trained and indoctrinated to give
powerer deference to those with position and titles. Some JWs, esp those outside of NY or newer pubs, have never even heard of Bethel Elders. But among those who do know who and what they are, they are given extra props. They are perceived as having just a little bit more holy spirit and just a bit more blessing...esp since they are elders at J's house...Bethel.Some pubs back at the home congregation fawn more over a returning/visiting bethelite than their own local elder. So imagine...a Bethel elder. True, they arent on the Branch Committee, but its all relative.
A 'Screw the Publishers' GB Strategy?
by metatron inwhile a man might hold a particular office, there is no guarantee that his personal faith will continue.
there are a number of older.
brothers , at bethel and elsewhere, who quietly hold to a 'it's a good life' view of the 'truth' - as opposed to the blind zombie-faith of.
I wouldnt doubt it at all. And while you're at it, you can include the WT lawyers and accountants in that lot also. With all of the downsizing, there seems to be a serious retreat and hold what we have mentality. There is enough money for them all to live off of very comfortably for the rest of their lives, even if everything else goes to hell and a handbasket.
I forgot which poster said it, but there is no better time than now to follow the money.
New Video of DF announcement at door
by inbyathread instarting a new thread so that everyone can find the link.. this is the video of the elders trying to act smart stupid.
they will keep the file as long as it is downloaded once every 14 days.. enjoy
I wonder why they still used the term "disfellowship" when the new om book uses the phrase "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses". Is there a difference between the terminology used for the public announcement and the terminology used when they inform the person personally ...or are old habits just hard to break?
I actually kind of feel for the guy. If he ever wakes up and finds himself here he will be kicking himself....
New Video of DF announcement at door
by inbyathread instarting a new thread so that everyone can find the link.. this is the video of the elders trying to act smart stupid.
they will keep the file as long as it is downloaded once every 14 days.. enjoy
Anyone want to take bets on how long it takes for them to get deleted?
REALLY? Does anyone think this may happen? For what reason?I really don't know if they'll go so far as being deleted...but if the wrong person gets up on the wrong side of the bed I wouldn't rule it out.
More probable though is a serious and humiliating talking to about procedure from the CO. They will be the private joke of some of their peers when word gets around as "the brothers who blah blah...ha ha ha". In future CO meetings with elders across the country there will now be the experience of "in one experience a couple of elders [they will remain nameless] who blah blah blah.....and so brothers, this is what we do not want to do".
This is something the wt has been concerned about and aware of for a while. The last few km schools I went to were 80% about judicial committee procedure..very little scripture and a whole lot of procedure...probably because so many were bungling the whole process and also because they were worried about liability.
Another proof of this is how elders have been labeled as "untrained volunteers" by the WT spokesman, which shows how Bethel really views the local elders - as unsophisticated ya-hoos. They know that the local elders are a weak link, and therefore their recent attempts to distance themselves.
New Video of DF announcement at door
by inbyathread instarting a new thread so that everyone can find the link.. this is the video of the elders trying to act smart stupid.
they will keep the file as long as it is downloaded once every 14 days.. enjoy
Amazing. I can't believe they went through with the whole thing knowing the tape was rolling.
Do you know why the WT wants to be called "the branch" and not "society?
by flag inone elder in my (or ex) cong.
is always correcting himself every time he says "society".
he always goes "upps, excuse me the branch says this and that bla bla bla bla".
Here is the article I referred to earlier:
w98 3/15 Living Up to Christian Dedication In Freedom
Someone may argue that the way the Witnesses speak about the Watch Tower Society—or more often just "the Society"—indicates that they view it as more than a legal instrument. Do they not consider it to be the final authority on matters of worship? The book Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom clarifies this point by explaining: "When The Watchtower [June 1, 1938] referred to ‘The Society,’ this meant, not a mere legal instrumentality, but the body of anointed Christians that had formed that legal entity and used it." The expression therefore stood for "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45) It is in this sense that the Witnesses generally used the term "the Society." Of course, the legal corporation and "the faithful and discreet slave" are not interchangeable terms. Directors of the Watch Tower Society are elected, whereas Witnesses who make up ‘the faithful slave’ are anointed by Jehovah’s holy spirit.4
In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovah’s Witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves. Instead of saying, "the Society teaches," many Witnesses prefer to use such expressions as, "the Bible says" or, "I understand the Bible to teach." In this way they emphasize the personal decision that each Witness has made in accepting Bible teachings and also avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect. Of course, suggestions as regards terminology should never become a subject of controversy. After all, terminology is of importance only to the extent that it prevents misunderstandings. Christian balance is required. The Bible admonishes us "not to fight about words." (2 Timothy 2:14, 15) The Scriptures also state this principle: "Unless you through the tongue utter speech easily understood, how will it be known what is being spoken?"—1 Corinthians 14:9.God’s
Spirit Reduces the Need for RulesIronically, notice the next subheading in the article.... The whole article is an exercise in trying to prove the JWs act on their own, and not through coercion.