how many americans do believe in UFO's? How many american's believe that Elvis is still alive? etc.
Don't make me roll over your country with an Abrams tank.......
Dude, that statement is so ludicrous I won't even bother to reply.....
i personally don't care what anyone else believes.
i believe that there is a creator that created the heavens and earth.
i believe that it occurred over a period much longer than 7 literal days.. here's my problem.
how many americans do believe in UFO's? How many american's believe that Elvis is still alive? etc.
Don't make me roll over your country with an Abrams tank.......
Dude, that statement is so ludicrous I won't even bother to reply.....
i personally don't care what anyone else believes.
i believe that there is a creator that created the heavens and earth.
i believe that it occurred over a period much longer than 7 literal days.. here's my problem.
I would imagine that at least 83% (or more) of Americans (or Australian, or Brits or Germans or ...) haven't got a Fu$ken clue about maths either. And most of them can live quite comfortably without it. Does that means it shouldn't be taught in schools either???!!!???
Please refer to my previous post. Math is a proven science. Just because someone can't do math doesn't mean they don't believe in it. Of course it should be taught. With a little dedication, most people can learn to do math. Evolution is a theory at best, a flawed theory, that has not been proven.
i personally don't care what anyone else believes.
i believe that there is a creator that created the heavens and earth.
i believe that it occurred over a period much longer than 7 literal days.. here's my problem.
It is a proven and observable fact.
Really? Guess I have failed to see any species, nor pictures of any species, nor drawings of any species in mid-evolutionary cycle. How is it proven? How is it observable?
It is an issue because it threatens the belief system of fundamentalist Christians.
Exactly. I don't want my child taught evolution the same as an atheist doesn't want their child taught creationism or taught in a 'god-oriented' environment. Yet, they have that right, but I don't, even though my beliefs are in the majority. Why are my rights not as important?
Evolution is taught as proven science when it is anything but that....
You can continue to assert that, but it is still untrue.
Really? Prove it unequivocably and maybe I'll believe it.
Actually you live in a republic with a constitution and a bill of rights. So things do have to be fair. The tyranny of the majority is no more acceptable in the US than in the Middle East.I don't consider giving equal time to something that 80% of the population believes to be true could in any realm be constituted as 'tyranny'.....
if your not too rusty with dub teachings, you remember that to commit the unforgivable sin, you had to deny the holy spirits begetting you.
it would be like one of the annointed purposely saying................ "i don't want to worship jehovah anymore nor have any part of him or his son inspite of the fact he annointed me".. in christendom, it is likewise a denial of the spirit when you know it's for real.
! day freddy franz got so pissed at apostates and slacker dubs, he decided he was gonna write a watchtower article and kick some major ass!
Doncha just luv how ol' Freddy liked to dress up like Jehovah and put on that old gray wig and gray glue-on beard and wear that big white robe then type up these nutty articles like this one
I nearly wet my pants laughing at that.....
I remember when that article came out. From that point on, any time I did anything wrong, I was afraid I had committed the unforgivable sin. If I remember correctly, the gist of the article was that if you continued in unrepentent sin, then you were in effect denying God's spirit. See, I can remember that 24 years later, so it must have REALLY made an impact.
And they say they're not a cult...tsk, tsk, tsk.....<head shaking>
i personally don't care what anyone else believes.
i believe that there is a creator that created the heavens and earth.
i believe that it occurred over a period much longer than 7 literal days.. here's my problem.
As in your example there is not a single reason for them to believe that the sky is blue, but still they do...
Again, you are acting as if the teaching of evolution is the OBVIOUSLY clear choice, that it is proven fact with NO dissention. It is not....If it were proven beyond a reasonable doubt, then a) 80% of the country wouldn't still believe in something other than evolution, b) teaching it in schools would not be an issue. Evolution is taught as proven science when it is anything but that....
The have lessons in theology or something like that on schools? Is that not the time. God, theology, etc cannot be mentioned in public schools. You can swear in school, but you can't say "God" or pray.
Ans why only the chirtian view. Should Americans not be forced to be educated in the koran, the teachings of bouddha etc?Ummm...perhaps because this is a vastly predominently Christian no, they shouldn't be forced to. This is what cracks me up...things DON'T HAVE TO BE FAIR! This is a democracy - majority rules!
that is kinda goofy.
he says it is his job to protect us!?
by taking our freedom and privacy away?
If he is truly looking out for us little peoples futures, he should share his reasonings with us to comfort our fears.
I agree with you to a point. However, we, as the 'little guys' don't always have a need to know of certain things. For instance, the Normandy invasion would never work now because some jerkweed on a cable news show would get ahold of the plans and release them because 'the people have a right to know'. We don't always have a right to know national security information.
Don't get me wrong - I have little to no faith in all government agencies. But I'm realistic too. I know that things happen that we don't always have a right to know, and things happen for a reason that we don't always have a right to know.
I don't fool myself, and I hope you don't either, into thinking that ANY politician - republican, democrat, independent, libertarian - truly has ANYONE'S best interests at heart except their own. But when their best interest coincide with mine, in this case keeping terrorists out of the country - then I'm cool with it. I'm sure that's a somewhat short-sighted view, but since all politicians are crooks, the best you can hope for is that they want what you do. :-)
I think Bush sees the big picture about what's important for the long-term well-being of this country. We need plentiful, cheap oil. We need to flex our muscle to keep our enemies at bay. We need to tighten up our borders both for security and financial reasons.
that is kinda goofy.
he says it is his job to protect us!?
by taking our freedom and privacy away?
I found most people there are racist bigots and they act like there shit don't stink. Not that all of them are that way but the majority say's it is so.
Racist bigots? Broad brush you're painting with....I guess you're one of the 'enlightened' west-coast liberals who doesn't care whose toes get stepped on as long as no one's feelings get hurt. Hey, we might be ignorant red-necks (NOT!) but at least we know when to use "their" vs. "there" and "doesn't" vs. "don't"......
Out of curiosity, are you a "Clinton is great" person? Let's see - he sold defense secrets to China, ran shady land deals, most likely murdered several people involved in that scandal. I don't even care about Monica and his 'lying to the people' - they all do that. He was a sleazy, spineless, communist wanna-be who was unwilling to protect this country.
I'm just wondering what it is that makes him one of the worst presidents in history? Other than the fact that Kerry's mud-slinging campaign didn't work and liberals the world over are p.o.'ed.....
i personally don't care what anyone else believes.
i believe that there is a creator that created the heavens and earth.
i believe that it occurred over a period much longer than 7 literal days.. here's my problem.
It's the rare creationist that actually understands what it is that he doesn't believe.
Not true. I do understand it, which is why I don't believe it.
Regardless, my point is not to debate my beliefs, or anyone else's. Nor am I foolish enough to believe that there is 'proof' of creationism either. I understand that creationism requires faith.
However, evolution requires huge leaps over the holes in the scientific 'evidence'. Contrary to the posts following my posts, there is NOT irrefutable proof of evolution. There are many theories, and there is as much disagreement in the scientific community as there is between evolutionists and creationists. If it were SO obvious, then there would be no disagreements.
And comparing it to 'understanding' math and calculus or finding Africa on a map are absolutely ludicrous. Toddlers don't know how to read either until they go to school. Just because someone can't find Africa on a map doesn't mean they argue it's existence. Just because someone can't do calculus doesn't mean they don't believe that it CAN be done. These are subjects that are proven concepts - calculus is proven - Africa DOES exist.
However, when 80% of a population doesn't believe in a concept, why should the 20% minority insist that their children be taught that concept as the ONLY theory. That's what I have a problem with, is that it's taught as the ONLY theory with no mention even being allowed of creation or even intelligent design.
Let me put it another way. Let's say that 80% of a group believe the sky is blue, while 20% believe the sky is red. Let's say they live underground and can't prove either theory, but they both have persuasive arguments, faith, etc. What right do the 'red-skyers' have to teach ONLY the theory that the sky is red, even though they are in the vast minority? If they control the teaching environment, then they will achieve their goal of convincing ALL their pupils that the sky is red over a given period of time.
The same with evolution. Regardless of your personal disdain of the 'creation' theory, teaching ONLY evolution, without discussing the obvious holes in the theory, will convince an entire generation of children that evolution occurred. They will be convinced without having all the facts at their disposal. Sound familiar? Can you say WT?
while talking with my mother about why i gave no thought to my future employment as a young man, i mentioned the 69 awake article that assured young folks that they would not grow old in this system.
she thinks i must have misread it.
i can't locate it now, so can anyone point me to it?.
Well, of course you misread it - they never would prophesy. :-) Funny how so many witnesses can quote stuff from 1920 that still is applicable, but readily forget anything that could put their mind in a negative frame of mind. Brainwashing at it's finest.
I was born the year this article came out (1969) and my parents have stated over and over how they never thought I would start school, never thought I would graduate high school, and here I am at 36 (almost 37). Now, in all fairness, they realized the need for post-high school education and helped me through college. But I think for many years they were disappointed that I chose not to go to Bethel and pioneer, and for many years I always felt that I had, to a certain extent let them down in that regard.
anger, fear, guilt.
when those 3 things no longer visit us, i think that is a good indicator that we really have broken free.
jesus said 'the truth about 'the truth' will set you free
I no longer feel guilt - other than guilt over the fact that I know that I can't reach certain of my friends/family with 'the truth' about the truth.
I feel no anger - other than anger over the way the 'leaders' of the cult treat those still enslaved.
I have no fear of them. "Fear of man" is one of their greatest catch-phrases - and I did have fear of men - fear of the GB.
I have joy that I no longer feel these things about myself personally.
Like you, I have felt perhaps the need to go under cover to liberate as many as possible. At first I wanted to do damage, now I just want to get as much information into the hands of as many people as possible. If I could do a little damage to a few certain people well, I'd take that too. :-)
I agree, though. Once you can release those feelings towards yourself, you are truly free......