It's the rare creationist that actually understands what it is that he doesn't believe.
Not true. I do understand it, which is why I don't believe it.
Regardless, my point is not to debate my beliefs, or anyone else's. Nor am I foolish enough to believe that there is 'proof' of creationism either. I understand that creationism requires faith.
However, evolution requires huge leaps over the holes in the scientific 'evidence'. Contrary to the posts following my posts, there is NOT irrefutable proof of evolution. There are many theories, and there is as much disagreement in the scientific community as there is between evolutionists and creationists. If it were SO obvious, then there would be no disagreements.
And comparing it to 'understanding' math and calculus or finding Africa on a map are absolutely ludicrous. Toddlers don't know how to read either until they go to school. Just because someone can't find Africa on a map doesn't mean they argue it's existence. Just because someone can't do calculus doesn't mean they don't believe that it CAN be done. These are subjects that are proven concepts - calculus is proven - Africa DOES exist.
However, when 80% of a population doesn't believe in a concept, why should the 20% minority insist that their children be taught that concept as the ONLY theory. That's what I have a problem with, is that it's taught as the ONLY theory with no mention even being allowed of creation or even intelligent design.
Let me put it another way. Let's say that 80% of a group believe the sky is blue, while 20% believe the sky is red. Let's say they live underground and can't prove either theory, but they both have persuasive arguments, faith, etc. What right do the 'red-skyers' have to teach ONLY the theory that the sky is red, even though they are in the vast minority? If they control the teaching environment, then they will achieve their goal of convincing ALL their pupils that the sky is red over a given period of time.
The same with evolution. Regardless of your personal disdain of the 'creation' theory, teaching ONLY evolution, without discussing the obvious holes in the theory, will convince an entire generation of children that evolution occurred. They will be convinced without having all the facts at their disposal. Sound familiar? Can you say WT?