a GREAT I mean GREAT CGI blogger is
by noah something, lol, i dont remember his last name, but all bets are on it being grey.
its an amazing tool, a little slower than PHP, but much more novice friendly
i want to set up a simple blog on a web site with its own domain.
any recommendations for the best open source "system" out there?
i noticed there's a few, but thought i'd tap into the collective voice of experience before proceeding.. i will most likely be using php.. thank you kindly,.
a GREAT I mean GREAT CGI blogger is
by noah something, lol, i dont remember his last name, but all bets are on it being grey.
its an amazing tool, a little slower than PHP, but much more novice friendly
the post about jehovah sending panties through the mail is funny.
it reminds me of all the stories at the assemblies and conventions of zealous witnesses rewarded for their dedication.
i never believed any of them.
its times like this, that i wish the witnesses would pull this crap on me. even just the 9/11 story, or variations of it...i could put them in their place.
I remember one story about a woman who walked 8 miles every week to get to meeting (some 3rd world country). She happened to intercept a messege that she could bearly read, telling where the meeting was to take place this week, instead of the usual kingdom hall. she walked the few miles to the new site where the messege said the meeting would be, but no one showed up. So a few days later, she got news that the kingdom hall had been raided in the past couple days, torched, the building, and killed all the witnesses..but of course, it was "obeying divine instruction" that 'saved' her life...
what about the other people that would killed?
steve and i attended our very last meeting this evening.
i wrote a thread a few weeks ago about our elder visit and their decision to announce that we were disassociated.
they agreed to wait until we returned from our vacation so i could tell my grandma who still attends via phone link and so she wouldn't have to be alone in her devastation.
can you email me the pics? i wanna see them really bad!
as you know, i?ve had a bit of a day.
((((((you guys)))))).
i am stunned and numb right now, and for some reason, i do not feel as tired as probably should.
*gives strength over*
I dont need it for now...I want to help in any way possible...let me know buddy.
on another thread i posted the "titles" of some awake!
i thought it might be neat to allow others to add to the fun.
"Making more money than the faithful and discreet slave, Is it jealousy?"
my parents were both very strict, and i wasn't allowed any toys at the hall.
my rations included a copy of my book of bible stories, and a pen and note pad.
my parents were strict to the point of not allowing me to draw pictures, i had to "take notes".
Dolph...I could have gone the rest of my life without ever knowing that game you played.
All men have probably played it at one point or another....but its like consitpation...you just DONT talk about it ....
my parents were both very strict, and i wasn't allowed any toys at the hall.
my rations included a copy of my book of bible stories, and a pen and note pad.
my parents were strict to the point of not allowing me to draw pictures, i had to "take notes".
my friend Ricky and I would break out the bibles and start browsing thru them. It looked great because we were both totally wrapped up in the bible, it was fun because we were taking words from randomly around the bible to make into a sick, twisted, totally f-ed up sentance.
today, i was on the scene of the local congregation of jw's where my ex-wife and her husband attend.
physical, emotional and mental abuse has been purpetrated upon my kids for eight years now.
they have been victims of alcoholism, verbal bashings and they have been made to watch their stepfather beat the hell out of their mother and then be halled off to jail without saying a word to anyone for fear fo reprisal from him and their mother.
How do the elders have ANY legal right in this matter? In the eyes of the goverment, are they not just normal people?
I am really impressed with what you're doing, and I hope for your kids' sake, that it goes well.
to get a break from my jw parents when i was 17 (i'm 25 now) i took an apartment of my own.
i was working full time and going to school.
a busy schedule that allowed me to miss meetings without them constantly hounding me.
my gawd....
*puts extra locks on doors and digs a trail to the underground railroad for DFs in his closet*
i watched two movies (they're only on dvd--i finally broke down and got one) that were the best i've seen in a while:
house of sand and fog
(ben kingsley & jennifer connelly about an iranian general lives in america)
avashi....bubba hotep was worth the 9.99 i payed for it when it came out....awesomely bad movie...one of those movies you relaly have to be sloshed to love