I would've hated to be him right about then...
a couple goes on vacation to a fishing resort in northern minnesota.
husband likes to fish at the crack of dawn.. .
the wife likes to read.. .
I would've hated to be him right about then...
although i like to keep the afterlife unknown..... what do you think the first thing out of a jw's mouth would be when they discover they went to heaven (or hell) instead of paradise erf?
They would very cautiously go to the customer service desk, and ask to page God, in order to ask him...
all of my life,, except for the last two years i was a jw, and i wonder if i will always feel like i am still so very different from the rest of most everyone i know.
i guess i still feel like i am on the "outside" looking in, in on the world of the people i was so alienated from for so long.. i celebrate birthdays, all the holidays, i stand for the national anthemn, but still it does not quiet feel second nature to me .
as i stand watching my son play high school football, my mind is always wandering on the marvel of what i am seeing.
but i'm getting there..with the help of one of the only people who love me....
i am getting news from jws who have attended the district convention that the drama (which is pre-recorded and played to lip-syncing actors) has a demon-possessed woman with a ?demonic voice?.
can anyone confirm this?
it is said to be pretty creepy sound effect and many jws are uncomfortable when they hear it.
theres something just...odd about that. I cant honestly see any witnesses resorting to using demonized voices and screams and moans of a girl to keep the audience awake. wait..nevermind..i fogot who we are talking about
boise, idaho (ap) -- the expiration monday of a 10-year federal ban on assault weapons means firearms like tec-9s can now be legally bought -- a development that has critics upset and gun owners pleased.
the 1994 ban, signed by president clinton, outlawed 19 types of military-style assault weapons.
a clause directed that the ban expire unless congress specifically reauthorized it, which it did not.
raise your hand if you like to go hunting for deer with an M4A1 Automatic assualt rifle.....
*looks around*
no one?
complete video ready now.. jehovah's witness 'neath the tower of fear.
hmm...*takes all video tapes at the local KH and records over them*
very nice bro
about three weeks before i handed in my letter of disassociation (two months ago) two elders from my congregation came to my door,for the first time since my son's death (which happened 8 months earlier).i knew it wasn't a special love for me or my family that suddenly motivated them to come.for few weeks prior to that visit i was sharing the new truth about the 'truth' that i was discovering with any listening ear.
now it was obvious to me that these two elders had been sent by the body of elders to hear it themselves so it can be used against me...and hear they did.
the 'poor' elders had to stand there (they refused to come in) and listen to it all.
very good reasoning..dont mind if i give it a go do ya?
just curious.. todays "times" says that americans do most things one hour before the brits do.. americans, it says, start work at 8am, brits rarely before 9 am.
american lunch is at 12 noon, the uk is 1pm.
american dinner is at 6pm, uk eats around 7.. but how many hours do you need to actually work?.
40-45 hours a week...sometimes i get a lunc, sometimes not. 8:00 am thru 5:00 pm.
the way my budget is though, i might be looking for more hours. maybe the 60-70 area...
no matter where you go today, you'll find a computer.
do you think that one day computers will be found in kh's?
they could store tons of information on each witness, instead of writting it down on a piece of paper. curious as well...
no matter where you go today, you'll find a computer.
do you think that one day computers will be found in kh's?
they could store tons of information on each witness, instead of writting it down on a piece of paper. curious as well...