that is so fudging awesome....mother nature does some funny they use this as a sign that god is begening to destroy false church building at a time, lol
JoinedPosts by Lostreality
Perfect picture for upcoming Watchtower..
by Country Girl inthought this pic reminded me of the ones i used to see in the various wt publications.
sure glad no one was in there!
this was a result of one of the hurricanes that stormed through orlando: .
The Awake's Lying Image of Witnesses (Oct 22)
by metatron inif you didn't know that the watchtower society published the awake magazine, you might.
think it was published by some semi-liberal born again group.
doesn't give a realistic representation of most witness families i'm aware of.. .
ive found that most of us kids these days are living double lives instead of being fully 'out'
the ones with lots of friends in the hall, dont dare leave....but dont dare not live the way they want.
thats why they dont know that 80% or more are 'corrupted'
Were you shunned by J.W.'s and family after you left/disassociated yourself
by hubert in's get shunned if you are disfellowshipped.
i was wondering if you also get shunned if you just leave, or disassociate yourself for any reason from the org.. if you have, please state reason, if it's not too personal..... thanks.
Thankfully, my parents still talk to me. Unlike many of the people from my old Cong...
JW foul play.
by avishai inwhat instances do you know of jw crime, particularly jw on jw or jw on xjw?.
i know of several instances.
my own po, elder grandfather ripped off tons of dubs.
Hmm...foul play...havent heard of anything personally...only on this board
Woke up with my finger in a can.
by Nancy Drake ini woke up today with my finger stuck inside a mountain dew can!
i don't know how the hell it happened!
what's worse, i panicked because it was stuck and i tried to yank it out.
ive had that happen...except it happened with a giant heineken bottle..i honestly dont remember
a.) buying it b.) if it had alcohol in it.
all i know is that i use it for pennies now.
OMG. I Don't Think That Anyone Here Has Seen One This Big Before.
by Englishman in.
absolutely huge.
i read recently about how semi-truck cabs are being produced with 4 doors and a back much like an SUV.
semi-trunks people....
soccer moms driving SEMIS
wtf is wrong with teh world.
Satan was at my front door when I got home today...
by Confucious inbut my girlfriend who was never a dub, bought a pumpkin and set it out on the front door.
at first, i was like, "omg.
it's a pumpkin and we're almost in october!!!
Preston...rofl, thats awesome
regarding the pumpkin...i say we 'boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew'
by Lostreality inhow did you go from celebrating no holidays, to celebrating them?
what changes did you make in your household to accomodate this change?
Preston, what was the second?
by Lostreality inhow did you go from celebrating no holidays, to celebrating them?
what changes did you make in your household to accomodate this change?
How did you go from celebrating no holidays, to celebrating them? What changes did you make in your household to accomodate this change?
relationship with jw
by curious_catholic inhi, i?m a catholic and i?ve been dating a girl that is jw for two years.
why do the jw have to marry a person from there own religion.
i think that it is very wrong.
On the other side of the spectrum, I was the JW who was dating a catholic girl.. If she truely cares for you, she will not only say yes to your purposal, but risk the shunning that will follow to be with you. If not...