Here are a couple of pics I think one would find interesting. They show exactly how close Russell's grave is to the Masonic Lodge temple. In fact, in it's in the graveyard RIGHT NEXT to it.
The next website brings up a theory that merits attention. I believe what it is saying can be proved with a little more research and access to certain records.
Basically, it's saying the Russell and the Rothschilds were linked. What is fact (and easily discoverable) is that Russell wrote an open letter to Baron Rothschild praising him for his work on creating a Jewish State. Russell was later invited to give a talk at a rather large gathering of Zionist. This does not prove he was being funded by Rothschild. Supposedly though, the Rothschilds funded the Jehovah's Witness operation through "contributions" by organisations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. According to the website, this was proved in a court of law in 1922. It also says one of the key people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith.
Is there any way to get public or private records of any of these transactions? I'm continuing to try and find out more on it.
It's also a known fact the Russell Trust corporation is the legal entity supporting the Skull and Bones society. Apparently, this is the same Russell family that C.T.Russell is from. I'd like to find out two things,
1. Is it actually the same Russell family CT is from?
2. Does it indeed represent the skull and bones society?
If these things are true, along with the connections between Russell, B'nai B'rith, and the Rothschilds, not to mention the egyptology/masonic imagery, that Russell was indeed influenced by the freemason agenda?
Many people try and debunk this theory through the presentation of one or two pieces of evidence at a time. But when the total sum is weighed, would it not lean in favor of the assumption he was indeed a freemason or under their influence?