uhhh, I think just did... they're called Muslims.
A Double Edged sword you truly are. They're bleeding after that one.
i just saw on cnn how power was just handed over to iraq.
they did it early to foil terrorists that want to mess with the transfer
uhhh, I think just did... they're called Muslims.
A Double Edged sword you truly are. They're bleeding after that one.
"the insurgents' aspirations are growing.
abdullah, a midlevel leader of kata'ib, says he's happy u.s. troops are staying in iraq: it means he can be part of the jihad.
asked what the jihadists will do if u.s. forces finally pull out, one of abdullah's comrades offers this answer: "we will follow them to the u.s." .
You know, I hate to say it, but if it really came down to it, if we knew that Al Qaeda or some other Terrorist had a nuke and was going to use it, I would just say look, I got two nukes, one is aimed at Mecca, the other is aimed at Medina. If you nuke DC or NYC, you lose the holy of holies.
I say let's make a deal with the terrorist this way. Re-invoke the MAD doctrine for a new enemy in a new time. Maybe it would work? Shouldn't we be doing something with the nukes we still have?
Oh, and I'm not being COMPLETELY serious here, more tounge and cheek than anything. Just so you know. I'm sure some can't wait to RETORT to this sort of thing.
pretty sad.
i guess it's all fun and games for some people.
The main problem with this thread is the stunningly ignorant way the author of the first thread tries to use a children's game to vilify an entire group of people and their culture. It's sickening.
Ever read a palestinian's or saudi arabian's school textbook? You're right. It is sickening.
Don't you get it? The reason people in those countries hate America is because of the cruel and greedy regimes that America props up!
Naw, I don't get it. Either do you. You can't have it both ways Simon. If we go and install a democracy in a country, we're immediately considered imperialist colonialist. And, when we don't and have to deal with the powers that be in place, we still don't get a break. So, MAKE UP YOUR MIND. What's it going to be?
pretty sad.
i guess it's all fun and games for some people.
I think several things have to happen:
1. Give the Palestinians some form of self-goverment
2. Get out of Saudi Arabia. We can still buy their oil from them, but we can at least get rid of our troops stationed there. Move them all to Quatar. Just get them out of the holy land.
3. Reform Saudi Arabia. In other words raise their standard of living and stop the spread of Wahabbism.
These things alone will radically change everything. But, it doesn't mean radical islam can be defeated. My fear is that unless they embrace democracy and the freedoms it brings, radical islam will only get stronger in some places. And when it does, it'll want to return to the height of it's power, the 15 century. And that could mean war for us NO MATTER WHAT WE DO. This is the point I try to make to people. We have to keep an eye on them.
Most muslims in the US are fine, so it does seem to me if we reduce some of the symptoms we could find a cure. We'll have to hope and see.
pretty sad.
i guess it's all fun and games for some people.
You're right about polarization. But I kinda feel that the core of the issue lies in the fact that radical islam and western ideals simply cannot live on the same earth at the same time, for whatever reason you choose. It simply doesn't work. Hence the crusades. I mean, we can try and make it work, and at times it has. But honestly, as long as democracy exists, with it's women's rights and free speech, it'll always be a threat to conservative Islamic values. Most muslims can live in peace with it, but those who hold the power and use strict islamic law to manipulate and control people (The Iranians and Taliban of the islamic world) will always be threatened by democracy and it's ideals. If we could rid ourselves of our dependency on mideast oil, it would help us distance ourselves from it. But then again, 20 years from now, powerful mullahs and ayatollahs could say "screw you the west and your MTV and coke and britney spears" and still find reasons to kill us. Not to mention if they become as technically advanced as us, it could pose real problems.
I honestly believe we are living in the time of another and perhaps last crusade, and there is simply nothing we can do about it. It's the natural progression of the clash of civilizations that's been occuring since the 1st crusade. We can do a lot of things, like make a palestinian state and pull out of Saudia Arabia, but you have to ask yourself, is that really going to solve the problem? I don't think so. They're motivated to kill us from day one, as the video shows. We're infidels, remember?
pretty sad.
i guess it's all fun and games for some people.
I'm trying to figure out how the BUSH CHENEY SHARON BLAIR connection is made. Muslim kids have been playing suicide bomber/jew killer for years before the BUSH CHENEY SHARON BLAIR axis of evil came into existence.
It sounds like you don't want to deal with the obvious truth of the video, and would rather 'blame america first" for everything wrong about radical islamic culture. All the satsangs in the world won't fix the problems within it.
pretty sad.
i guess it's all fun and games for some people.
Pretty sad. I guess it's all fun and games for some people.
http://www.cnn.com/2004/world/meast/06/18/saudi.kidnap/index.html report: u.s. hostage beheaded al arabiya says new video shows killing
friday, june 18, 2004 posted: 1:38 pm edt (1738 gmt) .
(cnn) -- an arabic tv news network said friday that american hostage paul johnson jr. has been beheaded by his saudi captors.
WTF? And then you proceed to talk down to her like she is some kind of little kid or something. Get over yourself, man.Puh-leeze!!
( of the 'doesn't like to see her friends patted condescendingly on the head' class)
Actually, I thought she made some interesting points, and that I respect her for giving a sh*t in the first place. But of course, once again this proves my point about how uptight politically correct sensitive types are. Geez. Get over YOURSELF.
http://www.cnn.com/2004/world/meast/06/18/saudi.kidnap/index.html report: u.s. hostage beheaded al arabiya says new video shows killing
friday, june 18, 2004 posted: 1:38 pm edt (1738 gmt) .
(cnn) -- an arabic tv news network said friday that american hostage paul johnson jr. has been beheaded by his saudi captors.
Frenchbabyface, If you could only kiss those angry muslims with those pretty lips of yours, it would solve all the worlds problems. I don't think radical Christians have the answers. But at least they are restrained by democratic societies. Radical Islam needs to be defeated by the world. People don't understand we are living in another chapter of the Crusades. Radical Islam and the West simply cannot live in the same space together. It's impossible. When muslims come to the US, they chill out and learn to live peacefully. Mainly because they are not living under an orthodox muslim political system. In their native countries, these same people would be willing to strap a bomb to their chest the moment their Mullah commands them to do so. It's all about the radical institutions in place in those countries. Those institutions depend on orthodox rule to stay in power. Our MTV, our hamburgers, our women's rights, it's all a threat to them. Democracy is a threat to them. I hate to say it, but radical Islam is the world's biggest threat since communism.
http://www.cnn.com/2004/world/meast/06/18/saudi.kidnap/index.html report: u.s. hostage beheaded al arabiya says new video shows killing
friday, june 18, 2004 posted: 1:38 pm edt (1738 gmt) .
(cnn) -- an arabic tv news network said friday that american hostage paul johnson jr. has been beheaded by his saudi captors.
We were ignorant enough, in the West, to think we could make barbarians immensely rich without problems. We thought it was okay to be democratic at home but to support the most convenient dictator or feudal despot for our political agendas. We thought we could chop up the world according to our interests and not suffer any negative reprecussions in the years to come.
Oh, and what do you recommend we do? Whenever we try to influence democracy on someone people such as yourself immediately start screaming "Imperialist" or "Colonialist"!
You can't have it both ways. Either support our goverment trying to bring about democracy in other countries or expect us to have to deal with the dictators and tyrants of the world in order to get things done. But whatever you do, have some focus, get a serious and realistic perspective on how the world works and stop living in never never land.