There were a few judicial committee meetings I would have liked to buy my way out of!
the jw i dated had lots of money and seemed to take the religion pretty much a la carte.
when it was to his advantage he'd play the religion card, but he seemed to get away with a lot.
by that i mean he owned and flew an ultralight, spent lots of time at the airport with non jws, slept with me (although they didn't know that), traveled to europe 2x to take his non jw mom to france, spends a lot of time visiting his mom in fl.
There were a few judicial committee meetings I would have liked to buy my way out of!
the jw i dated had lots of money and seemed to take the religion pretty much a la carte.
when it was to his advantage he'd play the religion card, but he seemed to get away with a lot.
by that i mean he owned and flew an ultralight, spent lots of time at the airport with non jws, slept with me (although they didn't know that), traveled to europe 2x to take his non jw mom to france, spends a lot of time visiting his mom in fl.
We are so dependant on money that almost anyone will make exceptions for it.
so here i am thinking, meditating if you will, on my biblical upbringing; then i came to the conclusion..... it's all about who you know!
even in biblical times.
for real!!!.
I saw many elders sons become appointed ms's when man they were the biggest losers around.
so here i am thinking, meditating if you will, on my biblical upbringing; then i came to the conclusion..... it's all about who you know!
even in biblical times.
for real!!!.
This happens on ALL levels of society, this isn't any different.
But I see your point.
"one word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.
" sophocles (496 bc - 406 bc).
love is as old and timeless as life itself.
P.S. As funny as it is, I went to the vending machine here at work and bought skittles after seeing your
Thus my name - "skittles4u" Lisa Simpson
"one word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.
" sophocles (496 bc - 406 bc).
love is as old and timeless as life itself.
But isn't it natural for humans to put conditions on everything, especially love?
For example my girlfriend loves me on many conditions, the way I treat her. If I started abusing her I believe that love would be lost.
here's my movies that suck list.
battlefield earth .
mission to mars .
Lost in Space
"one word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.
" sophocles (496 bc - 406 bc).
love is as old and timeless as life itself.
It's is because of this unconditional love
Is unconditional love really possible?
here's my movies that suck list.
battlefield earth .
mission to mars .
The WT movie collection
Hey that Noah cartoon was awsome - even oscar worthy
here's my movies that suck list.
battlefield earth .
mission to mars .
I agree very much with your choices jasmine