Afrocentrism is just a myth created for the purpose of denigrating white people and elevating black people. If these people just behaved normally, they wouldn't need to elevate themselves so artificially. Try their best to succeed in their own lives, lead by example. Elevate theirselves instead of trying to pull others down to their level.
Another example of the ignorance of these people... I was "street witnessing" about 8/9 years ago, with a "sister" who was round about my age (we were both about 13/14, dunno what we were doing alone together, but she was already baptised at the time). Anyway, we met an afrocentist and were talking to him for ages. We asked him "What do you believe?"... he said, "you cannot use the word "believe" because it has the word "lie" in it: "b-e-L-I-E-v-e". The white man has hidden words in our language, so that everytime we speak, we're actually demeaning ourselves".... He showed such a poor knowledge of historical linguistics but went on like he knew everything. We were there for ages, and i was argueing with him that in French the word for "believe", "croire" doesn't have a "lie" in it: in French "lie" = "mensonge"... His theory was nonsense, and he was ignorant and dogmatic in his ignorance.
Ignorant people have wild imaginations, and make the most risible claims. Nothing wrong with that per se, because everyone is ignorant about something, no-one knows everything... However, when they are dogmatic about it, and show their ignorance to a greater extent by argueing with people who actually know what they're talking about, they show themselves up as idiots. It makes it even worse when they use their racism to advance their racist or homophobic agenda.