you are encouraged from the stage to do the best you can. however the congregation notices if you lack in hours and there can be an attitude change do to that. stupid men
JoinedPosts by jaredg
Comments please?
by irishayes ini am still having an ongoing conversation with a couple of jw's on my medical message board and when i commented about the requirement of a number of hours of witnessing, this is the response i got.
is she being truthful?.
"in all the years that i have been a jehovah's witness,never once has anyone put any pressure on me to do a required amount of time in the preaching work.any time i spend speaking to people about the bible is spent because i want to do it' because i want to try my best to follow the example of jesus and his early followers-acts.5.42, acts 20.20,i believe that jehovah god wants me to be a part of this preaching work mathew 24.14, ".
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg ini finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what i'm going through.
my ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't.
she supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing.
whooohoooo...your john kerry ad reminded me that i need to register to vote
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg ini finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what i'm going through.
my ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't.
she supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing.
thanks purplev
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg ini finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what i'm going through.
my ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't.
she supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing.
it is sad...but like i told my dad...i won't look down on him for his beliefs if he can respect mine. we'll see how that goes.
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg ini finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what i'm going through.
my ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't.
she supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing.
thanks cyber-sista. i get so frustrated because whenever i talk about past prophecies and doctrine that changed my dad just says the "the light is getting brighter" and when i talk to him about scandles he says that people in the WTS are not perfect. it's like every argument i come up with he shoots down or puts some spin on it. i've just had to resort to it doesn't feel right for me. then he said it's becuase i'm sinning and i'm not man enough to face it. damn it's so frustrating
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg ini finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what i'm going through.
my ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't.
she supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing.
yeah. i just got off the phone with my dad and he was trying to convinvce me not to give up on the "truth" saying that no organization is perfect. i told him i ddin't want to be a part of ANY organization. he's just so caught up in believeing thet WTS is the faithful and descrete slave and is god's only channel for true spiritual food. i wish i could prove to him other wise. i talked to my mom too and she was much more understanding...god a love my mom.
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg ini finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what i'm going through.
my ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't.
she supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing.
thanks guys. i got in touch with a local ex-jw in the area yesterday and had dinner with her. she goes to the church that my ex-gf's mom attends. she helped me out a lot. she used to be a regular pioneer for years and was married to an elder. i finally feel like i'm FREE!! it feels great. i've learned not to focus on the past and what has been lost but on the great and wonderful future that i have before me. it's like a whole new world of possibility opening up.
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg ini finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what i'm going through.
my ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't.
she supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing.
sorry for the confusion...i wasn't DF'd because I was inactive...i was DF'd because i had a girlfriend that i was intimate with. i met her while i was inactive though.
also thanks for the replies about being lonely....but truthfuly i think i felt lonely just becuase i'm losing my family and my girlfriend recently broke up with me. i have lots of college friends so i'm not lacking in the friends department...just the love department.
Anybody from NC up in here?
by jaredg injust curious if there are any other ex-jw's in the area on here.
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg ini finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what i'm going through.
my ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't.
she supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing.
Thanks guys I really appreciate the replies.
To expand on the subject (I tried to make a new thread but evidently there is a limit) do you feel spiritualy lost? Is there any merit in trying to find truth? It seems that my beliefs change very easily and I don't have any real convictions. What I DO believe is that there is a God or superior being and I believe in Jesus as being a real historical figure. I also believe in his teaching about love and that's what I try and focus on daily. Besides that i have no real convictions. Do any of you feel this way?