a) hell no
b) hell no...maybe he upped his monthly donation. the buisness here in NC started going down hill and my dad got out b/c there was no momey in it any more. he stated his own buisness afterward.
today i rented a rug doctor carpet shampooer.
when my son was living at home and was a recent high school graduate he pioneered and worked part time for rug doctor.
most everybody that worked for them here were witnesses.
a) hell no
b) hell no...maybe he upped his monthly donation. the buisness here in NC started going down hill and my dad got out b/c there was no momey in it any more. he stated his own buisness afterward.
today i rented a rug doctor carpet shampooer.
when my son was living at home and was a recent high school graduate he pioneered and worked part time for rug doctor.
most everybody that worked for them here were witnesses.
my dad worked for trimline. he made a lot of money.
i managed to get my scanner working on another pc.
i'm not sure about the policy about posting scans of watchtowers here so if you want me to send you the scans let me know.
the scans are in a zip file which is password protected.
hey guys...i wanted to bring one mroe thing to your attention. in the talk "Beware the Voice of Strangers" at the assembly there is a part that WTS keft out of the watchtower artucle. check this...
In Galatians chapter 1 and verse 8, the Apostle Paul emphasizes how important it is that we do that. Notice Galatians chapter 1 verse 8. Here, Paul stresses what we need to do if someone presents to us a teaching that doesn't fit into the pattern of truth that's been given to us. Here he says, "However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed."[23:23] So friends, hypothetically, and I repeat, hypothetically, even if an angel were to come down here and land on this platform, today, at this moment, and to present something to us that didn't fit into the pattern of truth, what should we be ready to do? We should be ready to say, " Hold on there, that doesn't fit into the pattern, and I am not going to listen to it!" Yes, even if it were one of Jehovah's angels.
can you believe that...the speaker said the even if one of Jehovah's angles came down and said something opposed to the WTS that they were to turn their back. WTF!!!! i can't believe the level of mind control diplayed in this the way here is the link to the talk transcript
just something i was thinking about and wanted to get a few opinions on.
i guess it depends if it's a change that you view as positive. for example if i smoked cigs and wanted to quit and then i meet this girl who doesn't like smokers than i would probably change....i was planning on quiting anyway right??
i managed to get my scanner working on another pc.
i'm not sure about the policy about posting scans of watchtowers here so if you want me to send you the scans let me know.
the scans are in a zip file which is password protected. you by chance have page numbers for those references? alos do you have a link to Silent Lambs?
heya all,.
i just got back from my younger sisters wedding and yes both she and her new hubbie are jw's.
so i had to spend time with pretty much all jw's.
THEY HAD AN OPEN BAR!?!?!?! that is unheard of here in NC. looks like you found some cool JWs. but the fact remains that they are blind sheep!
because i have no idea where it is.
and fell off the face of the planet?.
not that i really care... but it would be interesting to find out what they did with it!
mine is in the dumont drive congo in hillsborough nc where my parents go
i managed to get my scanner working on another pc.
i'm not sure about the policy about posting scans of watchtowers here so if you want me to send you the scans let me know.
the scans are in a zip file which is password protected.
i'll send it to you. it's not the greatest quality but it's legible.
ok you have mail!!
i managed to get my scanner working on another pc.
i'm not sure about the policy about posting scans of watchtowers here so if you want me to send you the scans let me know.
the scans are in a zip file which is password protected.
holy shit i just read the article. it's so f*#@ed up how the WTS twists the Bible to their advantage. basically here is the chain of reasoning:
avoid the voice of strangers---->satan was the first stranger----->the apostates are starngers and thus from satan----->the world is lying in the power of the wicked one thus they spread lies about WTS b/c they are under the control of satan------>you must immediately turn away from anything not from the WTS b/c they are the shepard-------->if you follow the TWS than you will live forever on paradise earth
why don't more people see that the WTS is using the Bible to control them and keep them from finding th TRUTH!!
i managed to get my scanner working on another pc.
i'm not sure about the policy about posting scans of watchtowers here so if you want me to send you the scans let me know.
the scans are in a zip file which is password protected.
oh yeah...if you don't feel like posting it then email it to me [email protected]