hmmmm....i don't think that there is a fault in the human DNA. any fault would technicaly be a mutation. i have heard (discovery channel baby) about certain genes that scientists are studying in animals that live very long like turtles and animals that regenerate like some worms to try and isolate this gene and then introduce it into mammals and later humans to see if it can lengthen life. i'll talk to my friend who is a zoology and anthropology major and see if he has heard anything about faults in human DNA. but just a quick question...if being mortal is due to faulty DNA does that mean that everything on earth has faulty DNA?
JoinedPosts by jaredg
Fault in human DNA strand?
by El blanko inhi there - i'm sorry if this is off topic slightly, but i need information.. i am not learned in this area of science and wondered if it is true that there is a fault within human dna that science assumes is the reason we break down and die and are unable to explain.. forgive my ignorance here.
this question spins off from a conversation i had this afternoon with an ex-jw who wishes to get back to the kingdom hall and was using this argument to present his ideas to me.
i told him that i was not aware of this particular area of study but would look into it for him.. i am assuming that he read this in an awake article maybe?.
Opinions on a letter i am sending my family
by jaredg inhey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
originally i wanted to give it a week but last night i really couldn't sleep because of thinking about his letter and my own convictions. i kept going over and over in my head what to say and i just had to had to write the letter at that moment.
Opinions on a letter i am sending my family
by jaredg inhey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
i just wanted to BTTT this thread b/c i think this is the best letter i've written yet.
Opinions on a letter i am sending my family
by jaredg inhey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
thank you. i felt that arguing over details wasn't getting anywhere so i just decided to write how i felt. maybe my family will understand.
Divorce rate of JW's less than the rest of the "world"??
by Samdownunder inthroughout my teen years when my doubt was high and my hesitancy to commit was even higher, my father always told me that no life in the world could ever compare to life in the "truth".
he said the peace and joy jw's experience in their lives is better than anything i could find out there in "satans world".
he also constantly threw out the statistic( as he is a bullshit artist) that witness marriages have less than a 5% divorce rate, as compared to 50% outside the "truth".
they divorce rate is lower but the number of people in a an unhappy marriage is higher
Suicide Update
by Corvin inas you know, i?ve had a bit of a day.
((((((you guys)))))).
i am stunned and numb right now, and for some reason, i do not feel as tired as probably should.
Best of luck to you and your loved ones. It seems that we all have some sort of shit to deal with because of this damn religion
Opinions on a letter i am sending my family
by jaredg inhey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
hey guys.....i wrote my dad back today and i went in a totally different direction. let me know what you think.
I've been thinking about your email all day long. Now it's late at night and I can't sleep because I'm still thinking about it. I feel that the tone and focus of our conversation needs to shift. We can argue and debate this point and that point forever and never really get anywhere. I want to just tell you how I feel and how I got to this point in my life.
Soon after I moved out I did go through a time where I felt like I gave into the temptations of the world. For two years I pretended to be a good JW and basically lived a double life. During this time I never lost faith in the belief that we had the only true religion.
But then things started to change. I had pretty much gotten used to not having a family. Well I never really got used to it and I missed you guys terribly, but I was able to accept the possibility of things never being the same. During this time I found Love and support from my friends. I got to really know people and talk to all sorts of people from all over with all sorts of backgrounds and beliefs. I met some GREAT people and they were nothing like the "worldly" people that I was brought up believing them to be. Growing up I thought that if I left the "truth" that I would be handed hell in a hand basket and demons were going to come after me and things would just go all wrong...but it didn't. I felt in a way that I had been deceived. So this made me question my beliefs.
I remember when I used to go in service and I would try and place the new Creator book and I would read a passage to the householder that said something about having intellectual honesty and that we need to question our belief system to achieve it. I need to find that quote.
Anyway...I got to thinking about what I believed to be true. This disturbed me because the thought of abandoning what I had been taught to believe, my whole life and my family was very upsetting to me. I had an internal crisis. From this point on I started to think for myself.
I began to think of other things or teachings that I was brought up to believe but didn't agree with. You and me had many discussions about our feelings on blood, how not only JWs are in God's favor, how there will always be a food chain in the animal kingdom and many other things we didn't exactly agree with. So basically one thing lead to another but the clincher was LOVE!! You see dad the love I feel in the place I am now is totally different than how I felt as a JW. When I was a JW I looked at people a lot differently then I do now. I had love back then, but not this kind of love dad. When I was a JW I loved my friends and my family and other people in the organization. Even if I didn't like the person I could still love least i could act like it.
On the flipside where the people outside the organization. WORLDLY people. These people were wicked or they could be good people but they were just blinded and needed guidance. That is what I believed!! I think there are a lot of JWs that believe that too. In fact I believe that mentality is encouraged. Even you in one of your letters to me said that it was "us against them"! THAT SHOCKED ME!! What kind of mentality is that? That's not the mentality I see Jesus as having! Sorry if that sounded like I was attacking you, I'm not but I am attacking the mentality that is encouraged by the Society. I got to a point in my thinking that I just did not agree with the what the Society was preaching and trying to spread. I did not feel that it was the love that Jesus taught. The Society's message wasn't a message of peace was a message of hate. To hate these WORLDLY people on the inside but act like we love them on the outside. I see more people showing genuine love by volunteering in a soup kitchen then by going in field service. Do you ever really go out because you have compassion and love for the people in the world or because you have to? I went because I had to. If there wasn't the command in the Bible to preach I wouldn't have done it. Would you? If so why would you pray for the New System to come right away when all these people, in fact the majority of the earth did not have accurate knowlege and would in fact be killed? How loving is that?
You see that's why when you asked if I was going to go out in service when I got reinstated I told you that I couldn't. I told you that I would go to the door with only a Bible in hand but no literature. Do you remember that...coming back from the Circuit Assembly?
This thinking was a critical point in my life because now not only did I question some things but I also firmly disagreed with the whole mentality. Then I found out that there were people just like me. People who had put a lot of sweat and tears and money into the organization, most a lot more than me, who also at some time started to question things. Some of them had horrible experiences and were treated very wrong...and no these people aren't just making it really happened! I could discuss with these people my feelings and what I was going through. We had open discussions, not about who was right or wrong but just about what you thought. I also found information about secrets and other bad things that went on behind the scenes. I found apparent contradictions in teachings and changes in the polices that resulted in the loss of innocent life. Things that I never heard of or I just dismissed because at the time I didn't want to hear it. . I was programmed to reject it with out how intellectually honest is that?
I figured information can't hurt as long as I know my sources. So I dug and I dug and I was on the search for truth! I am still on that search dad and it's great. So far what I have discovered is that there is no absolute truth. There is no one right way. I feel like I am free and as long as I have Love things will be ok. The future I leave in God's hands...isn't that what putting your burdens on Jehovah is all about? I would love to discuss with you my change in perspective more but it's late and I'm going to bed. I just had to get this off of my chest and let you know where I'm coming from.
Love always,
eating the emblems AFTER memorial...
by AuSet insorry this is a little late for a memorial post, but did any of ya'll eat the emblems like it was just ordinary food immediately after the memorial?
they always did this at my kh, even the elders would be handing it out and we always would fight over who got a piece of the "bread.
" this usually occured out in the parking lot after most of the new/interested people had already high tailed it outta there.
wow i never knew of any of this. growing up my grandmother made the bread and brought the wine. after the memorial we would get together as a family and pour the wine on the ground outside. i don't know what happened to the bread. i remember trying it one time but it was nasty.
Opinions on a letter i am sending my family
by jaredg inhey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
thanks for the concern guys. it amazes me that the WTBTS demonstrates so much mind control that is only apparent from those outside the org. now that i am out it is so obvious but unfortunately for my family they are blinded and only see what they are told to see. it saddens me
Opinions on a letter i am sending my family
by jaredg inhey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
yeah i'm doing ok. I know this is rough for my parents and it's so frustrating b/c they believe that they have no control over the matter except to get me back in the org which isn't gonna happen. if they only knew how they were limiting themselves based on a false hope. i'm just glad that i will never be in a situation where i feel that i would have to shun my own children. i'm so happy that my mind is free and i'm so proud that i did it on my own. i wish things were different but considering how things could be i feel bleesed that i can still have open coomunication with my parents. i will post my response after i compose it.