hi jt - moving story
i went through a similar ordeal
but on the recieving end
there was this bro's (a dickhead) wife - to cut a long story short -
she was hot
and for some reason she dug ugly dumb and lazy me
we had always got on great and genuinely liked each other as friends
in an attempt to be good i resisted her advances at first but over time cracked under the pressure and we ended up fooling around
this was eventually discovered a while later after i'd moved to another cong
the elders of that cong hauled me into the backroom and got down to the nitty gritty of their prurient concerns
via invasive intterogation
i wasnt df'd but put on probation
poetic justice prevailed in the end however when one of the gestapo on the committee (a "happily" married elder) got df'd a couple of months later for screwing one of the local full time single pioneer
sisters brains out
for all i know he may have been screwing the pioneer sister contemporaneously with my judicial hearing!!
thanks jt
i feel regret over all those i helped come into the truth
you know - for helping ruin their lives and thier relationsships
with their families and so on