rizzo -
my dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
rizzo -
my dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
ok i'm sidetracking here - not sure if this is even amusing:
me and this young bro - jamie - (guy who i also lived with - were in
our early twenties single) are at the meeting
it's closing prayer time
the bro gets called to the platform to give the closing prayer - brother ray - hearing who was asked to give prayer - a distinct disgruntled murmer goes through the audience -
bro ray is old - blind in one eye and can't see out the other - he lived near me and jamie - sometimes bro ray gave jamie and i lifts to the meetings because we didnt have a car - this was always a real freak out - we only ever got a lift to the meeting with bro ray as a last resort -
(we were living in the country and it was a long way to the hall)
- as he had the rather disconcerting habit of driving down the wrong side of the road into the headlights of oncoming semi trailers at night - only to swerve and miss them at the last moment - due to his radar vision -
so bro ray gets called to the platform - the crowd murmurs - they know they're in for the long haul
bro ray was one of those bro's - his prayer - let me put it this way - anyone who had heard bro ray give closing prayer two times or more - could give bro ray's prayer for him - because once you'd heard it a couple of times - you understood his structure - which was kind of symphonic - (think wagner) - in four movements
the first movement
bro ray would thank jehovah for each individual item within the universe - the formula for this went like:
thank you jehovah for ...........(insert individual item within universe)
because ................(insert how individual item is an expression of gods love in 1000 words or more)
then he'd move onto the next chosen individual item within the universe he wished to thank jehovah for and repeat until he had thanked jehovah for each individual item within the universe
the second movement
bro ray would repeat the entire two hour meeting you just sat through word for word - to thank jehovah for the wonderful truths we'd just learnt - including what was said not only in the main hall but also what was said in the second and third schools - requoting every scripture quoted and unquoted - not forgetting to include the comments from the audience - including those of the audience in both the second and third schools -
the third movement
bro ray would go through the entire hierachy of the watchtower organisation - starting from bro hinchle(? cant remember - WT president anyway) right down to the pups of the dog that belongs to the sister in the wheelchair that could never get to the meeting
thanking jehovah for blessing us with them - whilst at the same time giving us the 25 volume condensed version of that individuals biography
then there would be a slight reprise of movement one with a couple of extra galaxies thrown in - just in case there was something bro ray had forgotten to thank jehovah for
so bro ray steps up to the mike - the audience bows it's collective heads and checks it's collective wristwatches
a hush falls over the hall
just about to shut eyes
bro ray begins to speak - " thank you jehovah for " -
then jamie looks at me and says:
"i hope you brought your sleeping bag with you"
did we burst out laughing
i have a question about restrictions on df'd persons wanting to come back to the org.. i finally joined here on mar 26, after reading posts for about a month, with telling my story first.
what moved me to join in was reading ozzie's post on mar.23(i think), about "restrictions" regarding reproofs, probations, and df'ing.
i appreciated his comments and was so glad when he brought the subject up.
humble - you are aware of that this is a non wtbts approved/authorised website?
you are aware of the repercussions to yourself if your local elders discover you've been reading and posting on a non wtbts approved/authorized website
let me know if you aren't i'll send you the KM that "clearly" spells it out for you.
why should i listen to the defender of a religion who doesnt even follow the rules of the faith he supposedly staunchly defends himself
jehovahs witnesses are lovely people, i should know - i officially still am one ... but ... although their great cult leader, judge joseph rutherford, banned them from taking part in the evil pagan celebrations of birthdays and such, there is one ceremony that is ridgedly and solemly adhered to.
the anual celebration of the "lords evening meal".
as most here are aware, each nissan14, kingdom halls around the world are packed to the collection boxes with the 'happiest people on earth'.
darkclouds - what are the chances of you getting this on film
either stills or video?
if you do this you'll be pissing yourself laughing about it for years afterwards IMO
whilst reading the bible straight thru this last time (& probably is the last time) i noticed an odd thing.
i'll just throw it out on the table and see what it brings.. starting in the gospels, demons and demon-possession seem to be very common and no one seems shocked.
in fact, casting out demons is a definite part of the disciples'and jesus' work.. but, in the ot, there is nary a mention of demon possession, nor rarely a word about demons at all.
seven - yea i think you are definitely onto something here in your search for what is real
it's got that feel about it to me
the examples hammurabi etc
what can i say?
there's something about this that makes a lot of sense to me
over on another thread i was chatting with a couple of the other guys - e-man and dark clouds about a similar subject - which was the merits and validity of the major world faiths compared to christianity
the general consencus was that they were all as equally valid as each other
(this was based on our experience of having talked to squillions of peoples from various cultures at the doors.)
these "differing" faiths were all different ways of getting through the same experience
different ways of telling the same story
of how to get through life
different ideas expressed in stories on how to get through life
stories with a lot of similarities
there's more i wanna say but right now i dont know how to say it -
it's to do with this
their own scriptures taught them only existed as destructive ideas in the minds of those who believed in them!
because i'd been thinking the same thing myself lately co-incidentally
the way that i can relate to you saying you are finding something real is that (for me anyway) this viewpoint gets one out of the narrow jw self centred rut
and secondly it gets you out of the rut of even the major religions themselves
that is
their own exagerated self of sense importance
i dont even know why i'm at this website seven - i'm way past needing to be convinced that the wtbts is irrelevant
i dont need to go back and convince myself of that
i've moved on from there a long time ago
thats why i couldnt care less about any debate on the subject
i'm ready to look at a far bigger canvas
i think the thing that hooks me about this place is reading peoples viewpoints -
i figure most of the people who post here are just ordinairy people
i find i'll be reading someones post and they may just say one little thing and i'll be thinking
wow i never thought about it that way before
i'm a bit of an addict for that kind of thing
(As Duped As Everybody Else Class)
I haven't checked the url you posted yet as i am almost falling asleep at my computer as i sit here writing now
i remember you were talking to me the other day in the chat about the name change - ICHING was a prob because the system didn't allow the hyphen in the handle field which would have made it correct - I-CHING
the i-ching is amazing but thats a whole other subject
i get a kick out of bad associate though coz i think it's so funny
having to live up to a low reputation
page 629, paragraph 1 in the proclaimers book:.
"of course, these people certainly had the freedom to believe what they chose.".
what a total lie.
AAK so what you're trying to tell me is that you were expecting to find truth in a wtbts publication?
PS what do you want off santa claus this xmas?
jehovahs witnesses are lovely people, i should know - i officially still am one ... but ... although their great cult leader, judge joseph rutherford, banned them from taking part in the evil pagan celebrations of birthdays and such, there is one ceremony that is ridgedly and solemly adhered to.
the anual celebration of the "lords evening meal".
as most here are aware, each nissan14, kingdom halls around the world are packed to the collection boxes with the 'happiest people on earth'.
bruce - thanks for a provocative thought
the satanic ritual was a good night out though - and didnt the girls look pretty
i have a question about restrictions on df'd persons wanting to come back to the org.. i finally joined here on mar 26, after reading posts for about a month, with telling my story first.
what moved me to join in was reading ozzie's post on mar.23(i think), about "restrictions" regarding reproofs, probations, and df'ing.
i appreciated his comments and was so glad when he brought the subject up.
This treatment is said to be deserved because you sinned and have to prove yourself humble to be reinstated.How does that fit in with the 'prodigal son' example?
it doesn't
Is this the 'loving' treatment Jesus expected us to inflict on 'lost sheep'
one could get that impression
whilst reading the bible straight thru this last time (& probably is the last time) i noticed an odd thing.
i'll just throw it out on the table and see what it brings.. starting in the gospels, demons and demon-possession seem to be very common and no one seems shocked.
in fact, casting out demons is a definite part of the disciples'and jesus' work.. but, in the ot, there is nary a mention of demon possession, nor rarely a word about demons at all.
seven - hi - i'm gonna have to come back to this excerpt again in a few days time -
it's deep stuff
a couple of things
I kept returning to that one statement over and over again
i'm not sure which one statement you are referring to
i was gonna try and write you more about the mithras thing but it's way to deep a subject for me to try and tackle right now
but i think i know what you're getting at -
the so called purity of the christian faith?
eg: on the subject of - demons and demon possesion
the infiltration into christianity of theologies and myths of surrounding or dominating cultures?
this creates a whole new perspective in my mind
seems to put christianity more on a level playing field as the so called pagan and non biblical faiths it claims to be so far superior to
more into the perspective of just another cultural story rather than something special or unique
but i'm not saying that i think those cultural stories aren't great stories
i dont know about you but i'm finding some excellent viewpoints on this website
"can the ethiopian change his skin color?
"stupid children require attention for a different reason.
drink a full glass of water both before and after the bath.
focus - thanks for the reminder
(As If I'd Forgotten Class)