JoinedPosts by BadAssociate
I think I am gonna be sick
by NikL inmy good lil jw wife received the following heartwarming e mail.
experience: told by instructor in recent mts class graduation .
can you stop the preaching work
by stephenw20 inin light of the recent media on the pdophiles with in the organization and the wtbts stand on how these shoulld be dealt with , especailly in states where there is no law regarding reporting this to authorities.,............does any one here feel the neighborhood, town council or neighborhood watch in their town might have interest in know ing , child molestors are walking thier side walks.. .
knowing that summer is coming and lots of outdoor activities along with children being out of school, the community i am sure would like to know who is knocking on their door.. after all, how many pedophiles get an opportunity to get into the community and actually see homes where kids live , see the surrounding s of the house, all in such an innocent trusted manner....put your self at that door answering it with this person at the door.......if you knew this.
can we go door to door after the witnesses are there to say.....by the way the folks who were just here, are part of an organization that shields pedophiles, and doesnt come clean with even its own members as to whothe said offender is .........perhaps a petition against the house to house could be signed......and then offered to local officals.
i dunno
this idea presupposes the community is interested in jw's
which seems like a fatal flaw in the plan to me
also p-phile offences are mostly carried out by individuals trusted by the victims family
and a thirty second magazine sales pitch would not effective in creating that trust between the p-phile and the intended victim in my opinion
why not have a central repository on the internet metatagged so it gets thrown to the top of all the search engines when ever anyone searches jw's + pedophiles and or either
besides i think its all over bar the shouting for the wtbts since the advent of the internet
the evidence against them online is so thoroughly documented and voluminous -
the wtbts is just a facade
anyone who joins the wtbts at this point in time, given the evidence on the internet
will have to have their head in the sand not to see this facade
ps sounds like newguy didnt get a naughty off the wife last night?
Are we bitter people or just victims?
by cocolocoii ini am a jehovah's witness until today, but i don't know if i'll continue to be one of them tomorrow.. i said that because for once my eyes are open to reallity and i can clearly see that there is not organization beyond our creators name.. i see a lot or imperfect man trying to do what is right, but allways those desires are corrupted by their pride or greediness.. i think that in the watch tower organization are really a lot of people who really wants to served god.
but i think too that there are a lot a people who doesn't have love and mercy for their brothers.
a well known saying says that you will catch more fly with honey than with vinager.. this doesn't mean that people are allowed to do whatever they want without any respect for god's word in the bible.
regrets are cheaper by the dozen
Elders' Gems of Wisdom
by stephenw20 inmy dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
hi rizzy - off the subject -
somewhere around here i think i remember reading mention of u and darkclouds in the same breath
are u 2 an item?
anyway reason why i ask is that i havent noticed any posts by clouds recently and i thought he wrote some gooduns
are u in touch with clouds?
Bad Associates Are Wicked Fun
I think I am gonna be sick
by NikL inmy good lil jw wife received the following heartwarming e mail.
experience: told by instructor in recent mts class graduation .
nik - the version of this story i heard was at a DC - experiences section
in this version - rather than nurse a pigeon back to health they nursed back to health a pig who could fly backwards.
who then flew to the other part of the country etc.
after the bro had finished relating the experience at the dc the audience all stood and applauded
ps did u check gppays the other day?
Should JW's and Gays Be Allowed To Adopt?
by Englishman inthis morning my nearest and dearest were discussing issues relating to adoption.
a close relative of the family has been turned down as an adoptive parent because he and his wife are too wealthy!.
the adoption people say that it is important that children have some negative input into their lives, apparently not having money worries can be bad for you.. we carried on talking and her ladyship asked me whether jw`s ever adopted children.
this may come as a surprise jel but Cal aint the whole world
Should JW's and Gays Be Allowed To Adopt?
by Englishman inthis morning my nearest and dearest were discussing issues relating to adoption.
a close relative of the family has been turned down as an adoptive parent because he and his wife are too wealthy!.
the adoption people say that it is important that children have some negative input into their lives, apparently not having money worries can be bad for you.. we carried on talking and her ladyship asked me whether jw`s ever adopted children.
thanks ldh
ok guys - BACK OFF TOPIC
"He that loves me will OBEY my commandment...
by AGuest into the household of god, israel, that is on jw.com, and all those who 'got with' them:.
may you have peace!.
because israel has, at this 'season' fallen asleep with regard to many 'things' that our lord, the son of god, jah-eshua mischa-jah ("jah saves"; messiah - "chosen of jah"), 'commanded' us to teach others (matthew 28:20), i am compelled by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies (psalm 68:4), that is in me, by means of my lord, to remind israel of one of such commandments.. on the night that he was put to death in the flesh, our lord gave a commandment, to which he stated "keep doing this in remembrance of me.
hello aguest
i'm a bad associate
you probably aren't allowed to talk to me but welcome anyway
Should JW's and Gays Be Allowed To Adopt?
by Englishman inthis morning my nearest and dearest were discussing issues relating to adoption.
a close relative of the family has been turned down as an adoptive parent because he and his wife are too wealthy!.
the adoption people say that it is important that children have some negative input into their lives, apparently not having money worries can be bad for you.. we carried on talking and her ladyship asked me whether jw`s ever adopted children.
What you describe is not racism, it's predjudice
what i was trying to say is that i feel racism is but one example of an infinite number of human prejudice/bias's
my theory is that the bias/prejudice arrives from feelings of fear rather than superiority
usually fear of the unfamiliar and unknown
of the alien
anything unlike ourselves
ps; sorry i posted a first draft and didnt bother trying to clarify too much as i knew this would occur as the thread continued
"It's a conscience matter"
by expatbrit injust had dinner with my wife and a couple of her friends.. one of them was telling me about her sister-in-law, a very nice, kind person who i've met on several occasions.
it seems this sister got a job in an office as a receptionist/secretary.
last christmas (1999) her employer asked her to sign christmas cards for all the clients.
thank you for sharing battman
here's something a wise man once told me:
you get what you deserve
Bad Association Spoils Useless Habits...like selling Watchtower magazines