things that go PING!
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
things that go PING!
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
Bad Ass,
I am with Tina on this one!
So whats new?
Mommy shame about your personality because you're such a cute looking gal.
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
Couldn't have been much, unless an "inny" was what you were after
Guys, a testimonial I discovered at -
Dear Mr. Belmont
I am an active Jehovahs Witness, I'd like to be an elder but I can't so I pretend to be one on exjw bulletin boreds. I've noticed over the years a significant loss of not only length but also hardness, or turgidity in my erection. With your exercises, and the supplements you reccomend, a dramatic increase beyond even my youngest days. I do believe the supplements play a large role, and I hope you continue to stress them. I also take Damiani and Yohimbe, herbs that cause no adverse health side-effects, and aid the natural flow of blood.. When I started your program I measured 1/16" long by 1/12" thick regularly, sometimes less. After 4 weeks, I'm proud to say I measure 1/16" long by 1/11" thick! That's quite an increase, and I would say easily accomplished by practically anyone if they follow the program regularly! Also for any new members wanting to know, 1/16" is more than enough to please a woman, as my wife notices a huge difference and even some pain if I go too deep, so don't get too caught up in length. Thank you signed, sixofnine
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
Teejay, moron sixofninkumpoop is trying to tailgate on my wit due to his/her obvious lack of it. His/her screenname being a prime example.
At least I'm not posting from this site:
and claiming it was mine. Then I'd really have something to be ashamed about.
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
PS. Fran, AlanF(uckwits) are not a mistake - he wanted breast reductive (due to his excessive obeastity). Sorry if this caused any confusion. I should have made it a seperate New Topic - PIX OF ALANF(UCKWITS) BOOB JOB DUE TO HIS FEAR OF GLUTTONS NOT INHERITING THE KINGDUMB.
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
What's yer point hun?
uh .....that i can make you feed a troll at whim?
ps. Tina - better get on the phone, email and Instant Messenger and round up the lynch mob, let them know it's troll feeding time.
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
Did I ever tell you guys about my penile reductive surgery?
Fran here's the before/after you ordered:
Subject - Mommy
Subject - Mommie Dark
Subject - Tina
Subject - AlanF
Subject - tHE sCHOLAR
Subject - Abbadon
Subject - Sixofninkumpoop
Subject - Larc
Subject - Farkle
ok.. i know i've been a bit of a buster in the past, but this is for real.
there is a site out there, and apparently a demand, for modified housepets.
in a nutshell, what these ahem... [people] do is take a kitten, sedate it, insert the poor thing into a glass bottle with air holes drilled into it, and run tubes into it to feed it, and tubes into it to take care of everything else.
Hear me out as an objective neutral party. There has been a considerable amount of hostility starting with AlanF on a thread titled Fraud, early on about a month or so ago. DC duped him with word play and Alan has been calling DC names since then. Very similar situation to what we have here.
According to you DC was duped by a site, but early on he acknowledged the joke factor, though that was not the point he was making. Minus the name calling, I feel he expressed it very eloquantly, so I will not repeat it.
The only reason DC is picking on Alan now is because Alan instigated to the point of starting a thread that ridiculed Suzi Mayhem. If you don't know, Suzi is DC's live-in gf. If you want to be fair perhaps, you should see where this feud started. It was titled Fraud and continued to Suzi Mayhem outdoes John Cleese.
Perhaps it is Alan that needs to stop being so angry and should apologize to DC and Suzi. After all her theory was simply a theory and actually, anyways that is another thread all together
By the way love your tomatoes, do you have something in a squeeze bottle?
bad ass
Suzi, I thought it was real too, I hear you kiddo I know you were wanting to be informative
raising awareness to the issues at hand.
raising awareness to the issues at hand
a person over at wol (retcon) is apparently very indignant about ibm supplying the nazis with equipment for the administration of some of the concentration camps in nazi germany.
this equipment was used to classify the prisoners in the camps, and he mention that the ibm equipment helped kill between 700,000 and 1,2 million people.
he is of course appalled at the "corporate greed" shown by ibm.. he is also totally ignorant about watchtower society history and has never given much thought to what happens if the good news hes spreading should ever happen.. it must be very disturbing for brooklyn, which has been a very good customer for ibm during the years.
norm - i hope none of them are driving bmw's or utilising any SIEMENS products/services either - both were recipients of concentration camp slave labor during ww2 both jewish and jw