boob jobs and sisters

by jurs 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    WARNING: this is a very shallow post. now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a JW. when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister. she shared with me that she and several other sisters in our hall all had breast implants.... it makes me laugh to think that taking blood was a major NO NO, but saline implants are A O.K. I should mention that her husband is an elder and very aware of whose are real and whose are not....... jurs

  • Mulan

    Okay, I have to ask. Do you live in Washington State? I knew of one congregation, East of Seattle, where several sisters had had implants. They would have parties, and the gals would wear dresses where they could show off their new cleavage. I saw several of the photos too, and just couldn't understand why that was okay. It is amazing what they can rationalize on, isn't it?

  • Fredhall

    I think it's stupid to have breast implants. I true woman is what is in the inside not on the outside.

  • jurs

    nope!! this was in colorado. i guess there are shapely sisters all over the U.S. jurs

  • Francois2

    Never mind all this talk.

    I wanna see pictures.

  • logical


    That has to be the most sensible, meaningful thing you have EVER said. Wonders will never cease.

  • peaceloveharmony

    i can't believe i'm going to say this but....I AGREE WITH FRED HALL!! for the most part. although, stupid is a little strong...i just think that what matters most is what is on the inside.....


  • COMF

    Oh, please, yes, leave them alone. Natural, please.

    And if natural means saggy, well then, let them sag. I'll be happy to play the part of your living bra.


  • expatbrit

    I give free advice on whether boob jobs are necessary.

    For a complimentary exam, email me any time.


  • nojw86

    Poor sisters they need something to make them Happy, why not a boob job since everything else is taken from witness life. HHMMMMMm would'nt there be a danger of the blood issue if something should happen. Sister loses life over boob job...nojw

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