Why does anyone want to see that??? Even that brief description had my stomach turned and I wonder why anyone would pay to be shown humans being mutilated (and the mutilation being the point.) Is it the sign of a sick society to find pleasure in watching the simulated agony of another.
Hey Q, it's been awhile, man. i hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods. ok, first of all, IT'S NOT REAL!!! i see horror movies constantly but do you think i have any desire to watch a snuff film? heeeyah, no!!! that's disgusting!! (i'm not being facetious. the thought of actual pain/torture/murder makes my stomach turn, but at a horror movie, i'm the guy behind you laughing...). i appreciate horror movies for what they are...entertainment. not a gateway drug. does this mean that i'm a violent/dark person? dunno. i'd be surprised if there's a higher incidence of murderers among those who watch horror movies (since Saw 3 and its ilk ALWAYS open at number 1 at the box office, i don't know that you could really do a study.). all i can say is that i'm attracted to darker stuff. music, movies, reading material...whatever. it intrigues and entertains me. why do you like the music you do? i think there was another thread a couple days ago about this same issue. personally, i love horror movies. i think the thing for me is that the mark of great art (hmm...i doubt that term will fly in here, but oh well...) is its ability to affect me. if i'm thinking about something after i walk away from it, it worked (that's what producers of any genre of media are after, right?). ok, so there's that. as far as the simulated agony and all that goes, i think its just far easier to affect people through their fears than through their loves or happinesses. so that's why they keep cranking these flicks out. it's not necessarily because society is so awful, but because the movie houses are lazy. :) (then again, i think you see more real agony any night of the week on the news. i think we're quick to blame the entertainment media when the real purveyors of honest to god agony are the politicians...) oh, and thanks for the (abbreviated) review, Elsewhere. i can't wait to check it out!!