My fav is the old WWII song...Something about Gemia? My Dad use to sing it..."Now the coffee that they give you, they say it's might'y fine, it's good for cut bruises it taste like Iodine." SRY, my spelling is horrible.
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How Do You Pronounce ...
by snowbird inthat caffeine-saturated beverage that most people drink very hot first thing in the morning?.
there's a transplanted new yorker here who calls it "kuffy.".
any takers?.
JW's on Facebook seem like happy people
by Smoky ini just recently got a facebook page and started to look up some old jw friends (im a long time fader).
i see there pictures and comments and feel kinda jealous that they all look happy (im in a rough stage in my life).
i never was happy as a jw, and since i faded i am more comfortable in my own skin....the future looks bright for me.
"I see there pictures and comments and feel kinda jealous that they all look happy (im in a rough stage in my life)." I felt the same way when I gave up my family. At the end of the day... They re putting on smiles.
If the Bank mistakenly put 3 million in your account would you tell!
by Witness 007 innew zealand afew weeks ago....a young couple with a failing small buisness ask the bank for an overdraft, which gets screwed up giving them afew million in the bank instead....they quietly withdraw the money and disappear overseas.....would you?.
Mexico and authorities
by diamondiiz inhas anyone contacted mexican authorities to find out an explanaition as to why wts was permited to exist for some 50 years under a cultral banner instead of a religious one?
also, another good question to them should be that of their "identidy cartilla for military service"!
how can jws hold this document if they teach against military service and yet are at the same time holding these documents?
Yes. The "Mexican's", they are not worried about. (authorities) Most of the Dubs are Mayan. They don't even speak spanish, or Mexican. You dig?
Don't get it...Sry. Too much time sailing I guess, ya know the sun and all.
Does your JW partner knows you are posting here???
by Albert Einstein inif your partner is a zealous jw, does he/she knows you are coming here?.
do you try to keep it a secret?
did he/she found out...?
Yes, I think. Contacts at Bethel, you know, blah, blah, blah, ...Seems to work.
Lets Send Grace Our Good Thoughts and Well Wishes
by jamiebowers inour granny was in the hospital yesterday.
see her account here:.
Hope you feel better.
I Just Talked To An Old JW Friend About The Dumbness of The Organization
by minimus inhe came by my work and we talked.
he pretty much became irregular (as a publisher), moved away and recently moved back into the area.
he's now a ms again and he's bemoaning his lot in life and sees a lot of stupidity within the "truth".
Okay, so he is just an *sshole.
I Just Talked To An Old JW Friend About The Dumbness of The Organization
by minimus inhe came by my work and we talked.
he pretty much became irregular (as a publisher), moved away and recently moved back into the area.
he's now a ms again and he's bemoaning his lot in life and sees a lot of stupidity within the "truth".
Thanks for the background Min. I stand corrected. Maybe not "lazy"? Maybe - As Wikipedia puts it, " Self-deprecation also refers to making negative statements regarding one's own appearance or abilities, such as saying "I'm so fat" or "I'm such an idiot", often with the intended result that their friends will tell them that they really aren't. Statements and patterns of behavior such as these my indicate self image or self esteem problems."
That's it for me. Going back to sleep for another 4 years. Wake me up when the walls come down. Thanks Min.
I Just Talked To An Old JW Friend About The Dumbness of The Organization
by minimus inhe came by my work and we talked.
he pretty much became irregular (as a publisher), moved away and recently moved back into the area.
he's now a ms again and he's bemoaning his lot in life and sees a lot of stupidity within the "truth".
Minimus - Why lazy? Were you not? Elder, a friend a "pillar" in the congregation. You had it all, but you woke up one day? (good for you!) Are you now sitting on the sidelines judging? Again? I guess we can't all see through the greasey glass as quick as you. Sorry. I will carry the mikes and call you in the morning. Hey man, it is all bs...give the guy a break.