JoinedPosts by poopie
Did anyone catch the change on jw.org point number 4 who is babylon the great
by poopie injw.org changed point number 4 excluding the idea of child molesting.
coments please.
Wake up -
Did anyone catch the change on jw.org point number 4 who is babylon the great
by poopie injw.org changed point number 4 excluding the idea of child molesting.
coments please.
On there updated web site -
Did anyone catch the change on jw.org point number 4 who is babylon the great
by poopie injw.org changed point number 4 excluding the idea of child molesting.
coments please.
Sing the song. -
Riddle me this applewhite expert if what?
by poopie innow here is my question.
jw sisters are forbidden to read any elder book any or anything for elder eyes only yet ms appleseed who is considerd an wt expert is a practicing catholic part of babylon the great can read all this info in fact they give it to her.
this is mind boggling.
Now here is my question. JW sisters are forbidden to read any elder book any or anything for elder eyes only yet ms appleseed who is considerd an wt expert is a practicing catholic part of babylon the great can read all this info in fact they give it to her. This is mind boggling. There are ministerial servants that do not have this info. In regards to appledoor being an expert was she ever df ir shunned or before a judicial comitee or molested by another witness? How can she be viewed by wt as expert she has no real world experience with dealing with a comitee wow your thoughts please.
The Australian: Women to 'Never Rule' in Jehovah's church
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/latest-news/women-to-never-rule-in-jehovahs-church/story-fn3dxiwe-1227470092202.
august 4, 2015 annette blackwell.
a jehovah's witness official says the church's stance to never let women hold decision-making roles compares to muslim and aboriginal people adhering to their own ancient beliefs.
Heres the instresting thing watchtower uses a women as there expert witness shes not a Jw shes a practicing catholic. NOW there are many women who i would consider experts on Jw teaching but there not used -
Can disassociated ones get reinstated without proving repentance?
by maksutov inone of the jw high-ups questioned by the australian royal commission (i think it was o'brien) stated that those who had disassociated (as opposed to being disfellowshipped) do not have to undergo a lengthy reinstatement procedure of proving repentance over many months, but can simply ask to be reinstated immediately.
is this true?
has anyone heard of this ever happening?.
They still must go thru a process however chances are they may get amnesty. So it depends on the elder body.Some get amnesty some dont. Bottom line is if its unloveing its trash. -
shunning verses victamization
by Sabin ini know i`ve put this out there before but i want to put it in a different context & see what you think.
i`ve shunned my parents for 20 years (farther, step-mother) because they victimized me every day of my life as a child, believe me when i tell you that writing this , is unbelievable hard, it is making me shake & cry to be pulling up the memories.
all of what happened i could have forgiven, but one thing.
I am very sorry to hear how unloveing you were treated by other humans it does not matter who treated you unloveing its never good. God hates all abuse even if someone feels its right to shun its still hurts the shunned and the shunner no one wins. SHUNNING is evil its from saten. NOW what can you do? You can show love to other humans even Jw never allow other humans to make you unloveing because you loose. Nixon once said otherrs may hate you but dont hate them because then you destroy yourself. -
Getting rid of disfellowshipping?
by BashfulAshG inif they did that, it would be the end of the jws because they won't have members.
when will be the end of this religion?
There going to have to get rid of something no more business as usual. -
The slave will be beaten with many strokes
by poopie inthe slave that understood but did not get in line.
god is tired of cruel unloveing behavior now time for that beating
The slave that understood but did not get in line. GOD IS TIRED OF CRUEL UNLOVEING BEHAVIOR NOW TIME FOR THAT BEATING