I liked many of them, we sang them at family gatherings, and I played them for many funerals (i was the KH pianist before they went to canned music).
Yes, many of the lyrics and melodies were inane and simple. But singing can have such an uplifting and unifying effect on people - I don't think the lyrics/melody are all that important. It's wonderful to hear people sing, regardless of whether they are a bit off-key, singing is such an expression of joy and emotion.
Sadly, most JW's don't place much importance on singing or music (reminds me of a Much Music commercial - singing leads to dancing and dancing leads to the devil!)
I remember one elder who was an ex-opera singer (can't pursue arts & be a witness). he gave talks in which he would incorporate several songs, and make everyone stand up to sing them - three or four times during the public talk! It was a hoot!!!
Maybe if JW's sang more they would be less inclined to be engaged in hurtful activities (judgemental, gossip, etc.)
and re specific songs - I always wanted the Jehovah is my shepaerd (how the H*** do you spell it?) for my funeral. I also liked Life without end at last, the old (original) memorial song, cant recall the number. Then there was that weird 5/4 tune that no one had a clue how to play or sing. I always imagined the writer as some highly creative JW musician in slavery at Bethel trying to be original in the only possible way he/she could...