Swamp Thing I'm currently reading CoC also and its very eye-opening. I have In Search of Christian Freedom waiting at home to be read next. I tried to explain something as simple as the UN scandal to my JW mom and she just blew up. I tried to use a illustration and she still got mad. The truth really hurts I guess.
Ex. used...If you constantly told your son/daughter not to go to next door neighbor;s house because they were evil and you constantly non-stop always told them this and then one day your son/daughter sees you over there, what do you think that child is going to think? A normal person would say something like "if i was that child I would think what's wrong with you for going to that evil house, or it must be OK to go to that house now"....My mom got hysterical saying I need to keep my thoughts to myself. One day their eyes will be open. I'm not going to tell them anything else I find.