No one partakes of it? Out of the many memorials I have been to, I only recall 1 when a Bethelite came to give our talk and he was of the anointed and partook of the emblems. It was so awe-inspiring (NOT). But anyway I've read a post on here and heard about a person in my local area that partook of the emblems and their "anointed" status was questioned. But anyways my point is that in the bible at Luke 22:14-20:
14 And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. 15 And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: 16 For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. 17 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves: 18 For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come. 19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. 20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.. Where in this scripture does it say that just the "anointed ones" are supposed to eat/drink the bread and wine? I think I'm correct in saying that the JW's always proclaim that they are the only true followers of Christ and that they follow the Bible, so why do they blatantly disobey Jesus when he says,"this do in remembrance of me"? Ok yes they have the memorial but what's the point if nobody is "eating/drinking"? Or was this another "symbolic" illustrations that Jesus used that was not meant for the modern day "great crowd". Excuse my ranting but I've finally made a decision about something and I'm trying to get some backbone about saying what I have to say and being about to point out some of the "big" inconsistencies(sp) I see for myself.