I've posted more than once that I'm currently reading CoC but the situation bubbamar was referring to really PMO. How can you let all these people be put into prison and raped, etc. in Malawi but let the Mexicans pay the bribe and go free because the GB is two-faced. Maybe the Mexicans (please take no offense) were supplying them with some Tequila for the weekly/monthly "secret" GB meetings. And then on top of that, just so they could retain property ownership they allowed the Mexican "Christian brothers and sisters" to not pray,sing, carry bibles to the meetings oops I mean "company" gatherings. But as Ray Franz said they would go through hell and high water to take everyone to court that tries to ban something in the US but says ok no more bibles, singing and what not until the government allows us to worship freely and keep our property.
Another thing is they are always talking about how they live and teach by Jesus' example. Didn't Jesus show humilty by washing his disciples feet. They refuse to show humilty by admitting they were wrong on some issues. So instead of being humble like Jesus was they practice bigotry:
bigotry\Big"ot*ry\, n. [Cf. F. bigoterie.] 1. The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to themWhy don't they just practice what they want everyone else to practice.