That is why it is foolish to placate the muslims who "assimilate" into our societies only as far as they need to take advantage of our weaknesses (fair play, civil rights, social security, protection from being offended etc)
What we see as liberal democracy they see as an opportunity to extend the potential western Caliphate to come. They will insist on their own 'rights' whilst trampling on everybody elses( a bit like the Jdubs)
A Mullah recently met the Mayoress of a town in France - as he claimed the arrondissement they were to meet was 'Islamic" he would only meet her on the border of that place, and only if she wore a head covering. She caved on both - in her own country!!!!!
After every Islamist atrocity the politicians scuttle to the nearest mosque, insisting that Islam is a religion of PEACE. (yet most muslim countries are hell holes of violence, murder, prostitution and poverty)
Since countries such as Canada, France, Holland, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, UK and others are now below the sustainable birthrate, they are encouraging immigration to cover potential labor shortages (and of course giving social security to those who have not paid in and who are breeding at twice to 3 times the rate)
The socialised economies will be ruined, and by the time they wake up, they will realise their freedoms were taken away an inch at a time in the name of appeasement, "anti-racism" and political correctness. The politicians are still making the same mistakes they made when facing Hitler in the early days.
I tell you another big war will come, but the west will not have the backbone to fight for its own survival. Women will start meekly walking around in a scarf to avoid verbal abuse in the streets from muslim males, and before long the men will capitulate out of fear of beheading. Similar things happened along different lines as Hitler's power increased.
KNOW THINE ENEMY - never mind thinking they are "Gentlemen" like Neville Chamberlain did in 1938.