I'm sorry I've been gone away for so long. I went camping with my brother, and I haven't been able to get online a lot lately. I seem to be forbidden from everything.
Nos- No, it wasn't my brother's buisness to do that. Some of the stuff, I needed for camping, but it wasn't his buisness to go get it for me, when I could have easily been able to do so.
I'm going to keep my eye out for appartments and jobs in Michigan, the only thing that is really hard, is if someone wants an interview, I can't go and give it to them. I know my brother doesn't want me on my own - he hasn't done anything to help me with it.
I might be going to work with my dad for two weeks in Michigan. I'd be getting about $10 an hour, and it would be great to have some money to fall back on. The only thing is that I'll be maybe 20 minutes away from my girlfriend, and I wont be able to see her, much less call her on the phone.
My girlfriend's been more depressed that usual. Not only is it because I'm here, and our anniversary is coming shortly, it's because her health isn't good. She's 17 and has an ulcer, she's diabetic, and they think she might have a brain tumor or something. Her family's health isn't much better- her grandma's going in for another surgery. She's so depressed, and I feel completely useless because I can't be there. She's always telling me she loves me, that none of this is my fault and that I shouldn't worry because everything will be ok. She says it's ok that I'm not with her, she says she doesn't hold it against me. But it makes me feel bad, because I can't be there when she goes to the doctor's.
We haven't spoken in over two weeks. All I have is a picture of her. I'm sure she thinks I like it here, I'm always talking about it, always acting like everything's ok. I just don't want to make her more depressed. I know she feels horrible, but there's nothing I can do, which makes me feel horrible.
I know I should make my world revolve around her, but I don't know what to do anymore. She was my everything, and now my everything is so hard to talk to.