hydrogen dioxide.
Watch out - it might drown you!! Deadly stuff you know.
Welcome WTF.
hydrogen dioxide.
Watch out - it might drown you!! Deadly stuff you know.
Welcome WTF.
i got married in june 1975 at 18-1/2 years old.
this after being pulled out of h.s.
(3.4gpa) to go into the ministry and regular pioneer, or eventually find a husband.
Ahhhaaahaaahaaaaa! Yeah, I'm reaking, thanx (((((SparkPlug))))
Catbert - no, I have no children by choice. I do have 4 cats! I expect to be like the old insane catlady from The Simpsons - going around town muttering to myself and throwing cats at people.
funny how i allways read these threads about how people say the jws just stopped by and think how goofy it all is.
well, as i was sitting here at home watching amazon fishbowl with bill maher a knocking came at the door.
well wouldn't you know it was some jws from another congregation (i don't live in the territory of the cong.
Easier to catch flies with honey then it is with statistics and niceties... like not getting a territory done...
turns out i've inherited this genetic condition whereby my body doesn't regulate cholesterol properly.
even though i eat quite sensibly and exercise my cholesterol is at 7. i'm not overweight, i don't smoke and i only drink with friends.. now the doctor tells me i have 6 months to bring my cholestorol under control or i'll be on pills (statins?).
no red meat!
My cholesterol was up to 280 sumptin. So I finally went on Lipitor. 1 month and I was down to 230. 6 months and 187 - I hadn't been that low in many years!
I just went OFF lipitor. My Cholesterol was at 162! I'm off for 3 months and then we'll retest to see if I need to go back on.
What changed? I lost some weight - I'm now down to the top end of my BMI. (unfortunately I lost weight due to illness - severe chronic fatigue syndrom and fibro myalgia)
I was on lipitor for 3 years and have experienced no side effects from it that I know of. I don't want to - tired of taking pills, but I would go back on it again.
in fact, over the past year there have been two such instances.
a few weeks ago i was at a depot i visit once a month and i noticed someone who had been disfellowshiped about 8 or 9 years ago.
i waited for him to finish his conversation and then approached him.
((( Nic ))) Amends, apologies, powerful work. I'm very proud of you for taking the opportunity and not allowing it to pass you by. Maybe now Melissa can begin to heal.
ok guys, i'm working on a 1500 word paper for my communications class and it's due in about 7 weeks.
i'm collecting information for my paper.
how do you feel about legalizing assisted suicides for people?
Now THAT is my kind of living will. Cheers!
my application for disability has been approved!!!!!
yes i feel like screaming out loud for joy.
it's been a year and a half of fighting for this.
Hip Hip Hurray!
I'm so very pleased for you (((ladylee)))! Awright! Way to go! w00t!w00t!w00t!
ok guys, i'm working on a 1500 word paper for my communications class and it's due in about 7 weeks.
i'm collecting information for my paper.
how do you feel about legalizing assisted suicides for people?
If someone hasn't posted it yet, here's the main page for Oregon's Death with Dignity Act - or Physician Assisted Suicide. This will give you info and stats.
I am a firm believer in physician assisted suicide. But ONLY for late stage terminal illness. I want the right to choose how and when I go, and I don't want anyone prosecuted for helping me. Life is precious, but not THAT precious, especially at that time.
Yes miracles happen. Look at our own Dansk.
The thing is, Physician Assisted Suicide is not pushed on ANYONE. It is a personal decision between patient and doctor (and family). The freedom of choice is important for the QUALITY of life, not the QUANTITY.
If you don't to be euthanized, then don't. It's just that simple.
If you don't want to have an abortion, then don't.
If you don't want a woman to have an abortion, then get a vasectomy.
If you don't believe in it, don't legislate your beliefs on me.
i got married in june 1975 at 18-1/2 years old.
this after being pulled out of h.s.
(3.4gpa) to go into the ministry and regular pioneer, or eventually find a husband.
You have been sober since 1990? Good for you. Really. I read my previous email and it seemed a bit harsh. I have regrets over being a party guy and watching my friends get drunk in front of their kids. I just recall looking at an 8 year old girl watching her father on the floor next to the toilet saying "I think he drank too much." That sucks.
Party? Heck, that was my middle name for several years after #1 and I divorced! I got the chance to play like I never did when I was a teen. I have (almost) no regrets over my behaviour either.
At least I made a wise decision with him ... I insisted on no children in our first 5 years ( I was 18 he was 21). Well at 5 years there was NO WAY IN HELL (I was already there) I was going to bring a child into that world! And he kept pestering me to get pregnant because "a baby will make everything better".
i got married in june 1975 at 18-1/2 years old.
this after being pulled out of h.s.
(3.4gpa) to go into the ministry and regular pioneer, or eventually find a husband.
OOoo Catbert - no sarcasm at all. Seriously I appreciate all the replies! I reread what I wrote and see that it could have been taken wrong.
BC - what a positive outlook to come up with a valid reason to find gratitude in a bad situation. I have to say I'm horrified that this man hit you and threw you into a door and of course more you didn't detail. But to look on the bright side of a bad situation and to come to realistic conclusion is so mature and healthy. Thumbs up to you sister!
CJW - it has taken me since 1990 to come up with one possitive thing about that marriage. Then one day it hit me like a ton of bricks!
It sounds like you have always had inner strength, Brenda, and courage, too. We all live and learn, and you've got the rest of your life ahead of you to enjoy!What ever became of your husband, is he still stuck in the Borg, and his destructive lifestyle? Kudos to you, for escaping!
My ex#1 (I had 2 more plus my now life-partner Kevan) is alive, well, and living somewhere in Vancouver WA. He "fell away" a little before I did. Last I heard he had gotten sober. For all I know he may have gone back. He's still a jerk with a capital J.E.R.K. (Oh there are pleanty of other names I can use, but that will suffice). After I left he moved in with his Mother in the basement and paid no rent or groceries, making $$,$$$ as an electrician.
He is the only person in the world I have ever hated. I havent hated him in quite a few years now, but this gratitude thing that hit me was wayyy out there.
If adversity builds character - I'm reaking of it!!! ;)