I have not read the blog yet either( but will) but know jws tend to go to extremes a lot of times. I think we can avail ourselves of modern medicine and use some alt. medicine too. I once had a sis try to sell me a line of Vits - the catch was I had to really believe they would cure me. I declined. Pills either work or they don't . The wtbs has a long history of supporting quackery . If you had access to the Golden Age you'd see some of the ridiculous things for sale in them. I like to use a website called http://www.quackwatch.com/
I knew a sister who nearly killed herself with herbal meds. She damaged her liver. Herbs are not side effect free. I own Herb and vit and supplement guide books and use them . they can be helpful but not everyone should take them , in other words, RTFM. before taking herbs, vits or supplements.
I think you might be able to get the best of both western and eastern medicine that way.
Miles you comments were great, you just did not understand the topic.
btw, wanted to add jws are not the only folks who use almost voodoo medicine. lots of folks do this.