Blondie people confuse JWs and SDAs all the time. How many times have people questioned me about blood transfusions? I cant remember but I would like to have a dollar for the number of times. Im an SDA not a vegetarian but I love the vegerian food when I can get some. Barry
Posts by barry
WTBS attitude towards vegetarians ...
by El blanko in.
having flirted with meat off and on through my life, but mostly conforming to the vegetarian standard (due to the obscenity for the most part that is the meat industry) - i noticed when serving with the society, that i came under fire from the brothers.. my moral arguments about cutting down on meat consumption based around the factory farming methods were cast aside and often sneered at.. "well god gave us the right to eat meat" was the usual line i had to swallow down.. have any of you guys faced the same situation?
Gee, I wonder what my JW parents would think about this?
by Ciara ini just got new ink!!!!
i got a cross with a crown across it.
my folks would die if they saw that, but i really love it.
Wasnt the cross and the crown an early witness symbol?
Need Some Advice.
by Lostreality ini love my girlfriend with all my heart and soul, but her family is very patriotic.
i see it rubbing off on her, i see her friends rubbing off on her.
the problem is, growing up in a witness household, patriotism was downplayed.
Imigrate thats the answer. Here in Australia the hospital is free in fact we had to sign papers that we wouldnt be paying a cent to them then we got $1000 aftrer the birth from the Govt just had to fill in a few forms. Now the Govt pays $3000 per live birth. Barry
7th day psychos!!
by boy@crossroads intoday, saturday i figured i'd take a little run to the adventist church to see how similiar they are to the witnesses.
after talking with them i just had to run to the computer, asap.. after the service, people started walking out.
i felt like walking out too b/c there was a lot of old people and they were kind of cliqueish.
Stephanus Yes I have heard of him now I think of it my ex wife used to go to his meetings. There are so many different versions of SDA its hard to keep up with them all. Theres a group in Goulburn that dont beleive in going to the doctor because if you have faith God would heal you. But in practice they all go to the doctor also I know one SDA family that wouldnt eat eggs. God knows why not.
7th day psychos is a good title to this thread.
On the other hand many SDAs are trying to be mainstream one star SDA I just forget his name now it could be Black is the head of chaplinsin for the US Navy and has recently been appointed as chaplin for the house of representitives in the US. Hes an Admiral
7th day psychos!!
by boy@crossroads intoday, saturday i figured i'd take a little run to the adventist church to see how similiar they are to the witnesses.
after talking with them i just had to run to the computer, asap.. after the service, people started walking out.
i felt like walking out too b/c there was a lot of old people and they were kind of cliqueish.
Boy I thought youre post was great nothing like laughing at youreself. Stef no I dont know Ross Chadwick is he an SDA?
Ill Let you folks on a well kept secret that vegetarian food is great. Im not a vegetarian but whenever I get the chance im in heaven. Well SDAs say they will be vegetarians in heaven so why not start now. Barry
7th day psychos!!
by boy@crossroads intoday, saturday i figured i'd take a little run to the adventist church to see how similiar they are to the witnesses.
after talking with them i just had to run to the computer, asap.. after the service, people started walking out.
i felt like walking out too b/c there was a lot of old people and they were kind of cliqueish.
The SDAs you met sound conservative so if you told them about me they may go right off. Barry
7th day psychos!!
by boy@crossroads intoday, saturday i figured i'd take a little run to the adventist church to see how similiar they are to the witnesses.
after talking with them i just had to run to the computer, asap.. after the service, people started walking out.
i felt like walking out too b/c there was a lot of old people and they were kind of cliqueish.
Im the local 7th day psycho here no seriously I am an SDA. Ive just had a good laugh about all youre comments.
Boy if you want to stir them up you should go back sometime and discuss with them the different beleif systems within Adventism such as Brinsmeadism or Fordism or tell them you know of an SDA who is a Fordite [Thats me] that would really get some of them excited but of course that would take quite a bit of research by you.
50% of SDAs are vegetarian, some are Arian [like the witnesses] but most are trinitarian.
My wife is Catholic but we go to both churches. Barry
What other religions background do you have?
by Pinned Blouse ini was wondering what if any other religious background any of you had other than being a jw and if you have any comparisons.
i was brought up as a 7th day adventist.
once i was on my own as an adult, my former sis-in-law started studying with me and the rest was history.
G,Day Pinned Blouse,
Im SDA have been all my life I also studied with the witnesses, my wife is catholic but we go to the SDA for the sabbath school.
The worst doctrine the SDAs have is their 1844 investigative judgement doctrine it flys in the face of the gospel and has similar principles of interpretation as the JW 1914 doctrine. Sometimes reffered to as the historyist interpretation.
Many SdAs no longer beleive the 1844 doctrine so there is friction between the old conservatives and the more evangelical gospel group. Barry
Pagan Cross vs. Christian Cross
by Gerard in6. cross: jesus did not die on a cross.
he died on a pole, or a stake.
the greek word translated "cross" in many bibles meant just one piece of timber.
Ive seen the symbol of a dove used in christianity in the catacums of Rome the guide said this symbol was used before the cross.
I dont see why the symbol has to be the oldest the WT has the symbol of a watch tower and I dont know if that was ever used by early christians. Other churches have there own modern symbols sometimes with the cross some without , I dont think it realy matters.
Time To Forgive The Prince Of Wales?
by Englishman ingeorge carey, ex-archbishop of canterbury, ex-number 1 head honcho of the church of england next to her maj. .
>>>>it would be "the natural thing" for the prince of wales and camilla parker bowles to marry, the former archbishop of canterbury has said.. george carey and his wife, eileen, met camilla at their son andrew's house in peckham, south-east london, after her relationship with the prince went public, he told the times.. lord carey said of charles and camilla: "he is the heir to the throne and he loves her.
the natural thing is that they should get married.".
Camila is a Roman Catholic so that would disqualify Charles if he were to marry her.
We in Australia had a vote here a couple of years ago on if we were going to become a republic or stay with the Monarcy and the vote was to stay with the Monarcy. God save the Queen.