Just to add a bit more trivia to this Marmite is made by the SDA church. I like Promite best of all is American I tink.Barry
Posts by barry
Amazing Vegemite Facts
by Mackin in.
for the benefit and edification of all the non-australasian readers of this board i submit the following: .
edited by - mackin on 1 november 2002 15:48:10.
Wedding receptions -- weird JW ideas
by Gopher inhave a reputation for being immature and quick to take offense!
then you can find yourself invited to a jw wedding reception.
do you doubt this?
Y ou apostates are soo funny, but then Ive never been to a JW wedding. Barry
SDA Church Must Pay $2M To Abused Girl
by blondie inhttp://news.statesmanjournal.com/article.cfm?i=50511
jury gives abused girl $2 million .
an 11-year-old son of a church pastor molested a 5-year-old in 1997. .
The SDAs have plenty of money the Mormans have even more money they shouldnt back down...Barry
My DA Letter
by LB ini thought about writing "i quit" but it got a little wordier than i expected.
but i'm sending this off monday morning.
i've used a little info gathered here on this site but mostly it's my thoughts.
Gday LB, Good letter, I know a bloke over here in Australia he looks just like you. have you got a twin ? Barry
Why do JW's allow wedding rings?
by Gopher inrecently we had a post where a non-jw asked what to expect at his jw's wedding.
he was told not to expect certain things that have a pagan background such as rice-tossing or the bride throwing a corset to the virgins unmarried girls at the reception.. but somehow wedding rings are allowed at jw weddings!.
any idea why?.
Im an Adventist and traditionally Adventists dont wear wedding rings. Although they dont adhear to that rule much anymore ive heard they still do in the us. Of course they dont miss out on any other pagan things like christmas or birthdays. Barry
A good old fashioned book burning
by iggy_the_fish inhulloo all,.
to cut a very long and oft told story (on boards like this at any rate) very short, i was partially raised a jw (tho' never baptised), and now i've reached the stage where my very modest collection of dub literature must be disposed of.
it's lived in a box in attics and high shelves in various houses for the last 12 years during which time i've been sh*t scared to go near it, but equally scared to get rid of it for fear of seriously pissing off his almightyness up in the heavens.. well, over the past year i've been through a few of the usual "eye openers", coc & the gentile times thingumygig whatsit doodah, and evolution books too.
Sounds medieval to me , can you find a witch to burn too. Barry
SDA Church Must Pay $2M To Abused Girl
by blondie inhttp://news.statesmanjournal.com/article.cfm?i=50511
jury gives abused girl $2 million .
an 11-year-old son of a church pastor molested a 5-year-old in 1997. .
Im an SDA myself Ill be looking carefully in their mags when this case is over to see if members are informed of this and if not ill be asking some questions. A few weeks ago I got a copy of the Record a weekly SDA mag given out to members and the subjuct was child and sexual abuse which I sent off to Bill to have a look at, maybe he will comment on it sometime when he gets time. Barry
Things said on stage that made you laugh
by LyinEyes inthere was an elder at our hall ,when he would call on someone , he would help the brother with the mic to find the person.
he did this by saying: " sister little in the front"....hehehhe ,, of course being bored to death, this always cracked several us of rowdy back seat sitters up.. here are more examples from our old hall.
sister key , in the rear.
I cant tell anything about what happened at the KH but I did meet a Jewish bloke and he told me a story about a young bloke back from the army. He explaned in the jewish religion someone in the congregation as part of the ritual would carry some big heavy scrolls. Anyway this bloke that had just come from the army had the honour as he picked them up not realizing how heavy they were said in front of the whole congregation 'Jesus Christ'. Suffice to say it didnt go down to well. Barry
Canberra Australia
by kelpie in.
hi all,.
would love to talk to any exjw's in the canberra region
Gday Bliss, Im in Canberra too Ive only studied with the JWs so I dont qualify as an apostate but Im thinking of joining and then leaving for a while just so I can be a proper apostate. Barry
was this place scary the first time?
by jurs inhere and there a newbie will post and its obvious that they think that this site is for jw's and not ex's.
did any of you ever come across an apostate site on accident?
what about the first time you came here?
This place was scary I expected to see more progress in the JW religion Barry