There is so much American tv here Aussies can do American accents. Im good at a slow southern accent. Barry
Posts by barry
So many great actors/actresses from Australia....
by DanTheMan ini just saw "mulholland drive", featuring the incredibly lovely naomi watts, who pulled off what is one of the most superb acting performances i've ever witnessed, she was spectacular.
i did a little bit of internet research after seeing the movie, because it was very strange and even though i enjoyed it, i couldn't make any sense of it.
among other things, i learn that the aforementioned ms. watts is an aussie.
So many great actors/actresses from Australia....
by DanTheMan ini just saw "mulholland drive", featuring the incredibly lovely naomi watts, who pulled off what is one of the most superb acting performances i've ever witnessed, she was spectacular.
i did a little bit of internet research after seeing the movie, because it was very strange and even though i enjoyed it, i couldn't make any sense of it.
among other things, i learn that the aforementioned ms. watts is an aussie.
My flying instructor Rod Venables did all the flying in Mad max 3 with Mel Gibson and when Rod came back from Coopa Pede all the women in the aero club wanted to know all about Mel Gibson. Rod is such a casual bloke I got the movie on video told him I had seen the movie that he done the flying in. He just said ' bring it round sometime havent seen it yet' , This was 3 months after the movie was released. Barry
Different, but perhaps better than planned
by bebu inmy neighbor called yesterday and asked if she could come over and visit me today.
i replied, "well, it looks like interpretation is a big issue.
the jws list their bible verses, and claim the same.
I also havd a problem with the 144000 thing. The problem with JW theology is that the bible is written for the 144000 allmost exclusively so why even bother to read it if youre not of that group. Barry
Were You Afraid of The DEMONS???
by minimus inmost witnesses believe satan and his demons are looking at them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
were you one of those?
how did you handle stories of demons, witchcraft, etc.??
11/1/03 Watchtower: an open plea for more donations
by paterfamilias ini just read in the 11/1/03 wt an article entitled cultivate a giving spirit.
never have i seen the society so unashamedly extend its hands in search of more money.
i'm going to let the article speak for itself.
When i went to the KH and studied with the JWs they allways said they didnt take up offerings like other churches. They were allways on about other churches asking for 10%.
Actually the church I go to askes for 10% and about 20% of members do give 10%.
The unfaireness is that while the WT is asking for money they discourage education .
The 10% church I go to encourages education and so the members for the most part can easily afford to contribute.
Ruling sought on transfusion for baby of Jehovah's Witness
by Matty inruling sought on transfusion for baby of jehovah's witness
ruling sought on transfusion for baby of jehovah's witness
by cy ryan.
The kid may not want to be a JW when it grows up so whyshoud it be subject to JW ruling. Barry
"Congratulations" - WHY?
by Prisca inwhy is it a social custom to say "congratulations" to a guy when his wife/gf has had/is having a baby?.
what has he done to deserve the sentiments?
all he's done is have an orgasm and spurt some semen into her?
Prisca its been my experiance that if you dont make the woman happy in the bedroom its out no questions asked so if the man is around for the birth it is a big thing. Barry
Will someone please tell me where I can pick up my Light Saber?
by SanFranciscoJim in.
i turned jedi today and have looked all over the place, but can't find my light saber anywhere.. perhaps i should try ebay?
Gday jim and congratulations on youre jediship. I have a long way to go but maybe ill get a newer model light saber. Barry
Did I get the wrong Christmas Ornaments?
by Elsewhere ini have a small tree so i got a package of small ornaments that are about 2 inches in diameter.
when i bought them i did not notice that the tops do not have hooks like i expected, instead they have very small loops.
these loops are too small to slide on to the branches of the tree, so am i supposed to use little twist-ties or something?
Gday Elswhere, Just put the loops over the pine needles no need for duct tape it will look ugly anyway we have the same loop system and also its easy to take down after xmas. Barry
I love accents!
by Aztec inwhat do you think are the cutest accents?
i'm becoming partial to british accents for reasons i don't care to state.
i don't think i have one but, perhaps i'm wrong.
Luna us Australians think we dont have an accent until we go overseas so im sure you have an accent to an aussie and a very nice one at that. Barry