The problem I beleive is that the Muslim religion has never had a reformation and counter reformation as the christian religion has. Ask any Muslim, I talk to as many as I can about current events. They have no concept of the separation of church and state and will tell you they cant separate there religion from politics. Thats why we will have a difficult time in Irak in trying to turn it into a democracy the people there just have no concept of a democratic system. Barry
Posts by barry
Religious Extremists Will be the End of Us!
by Greenpalmtreestillmine inthe islamic religious extremists are destroying their people.
just as the christian right in the u.s. is more interested in it's own needs and wants than that of the country itself.
so too the islamic extremists want what they want regardless of the consequences to their country or their people.. ironically, osama the ultimate islamic extremist decided to attack the u.s. at just the moment when a christian right extremist was in power.. if christ's man gets elected maybe christ will decide to strike another country in the middle east and if osama survives maybe allah will decide to attack the u.s. again.
And the winner of the best film award at the Cannes festival is ...
by Simon infarenheit 9/11 ... sorry neo cons .
any film that gets a 15 min standing ovation must be worth watching.
i wonder if bush will go see it?!
I have an artical here from The Daily Telegraph
Mischief-making spree, when Moore is less
by Tim Blair
Michael Moore backs striking French workersread the weekend headlines from the Cannes Film Festival. In fact, the people Moore backed were the opposite of workers- they were unemployed actors protesting about welfare cuts.
So they weren,t actually on strike, either. An accurate headlinemight have read "Michael Moorebacks work-shy French dole mimes'.
Accuracy tends to elude Moore, in Cannes to promote Fahrenheit 9\11 hislatest anti-George W Bush propaganda exercise.
By all accounts it should satisfy the same gigantic audience that enjoyed Moore,s previous film, Bowling for Columbine, And his best -selling books Stupid White Men, Dude, What happened to my Country? and Hey, Commies"Buy This Book and MAke a Fat Millionaire Even Richer.
A complete list of the misrepresentations in these works would run longer than a Kenyon marathoner.
Among Columbine,s howlers Moore altered an old Bush/Quayle advertisement to include words that didnt appear originally, claimed the US gave $245 million to the Taliban, and described harmless missiles designed to launch weather satellites as weapons of mass destruction.
Central to Moore,s new movie is an alleged conspiracy between the Evil Bush Family and Wicked Saudi Oil men, which led to -as Moore presents it -the stealthy spiriting away from America of Bin Laden family members following Sept 11.
This will excite people who haven,t read the testimony from the 9/11 Commission which cleared the US Government of wrongdoing over the Bin Laden family issue.
If Moore had serious evidence of Government mischief what was he doing concealing it for more than a year?
Little surprise that most of Mike,s causes end up destroyed. Hand him a cute little pet cause and he,ll hug it and pat it and squeeze it and hug it and ...opps . Dead.
Just like Payback Tuesday ,Moore,s advance description of the 2002 congressional elections.
'We will deny Bush control of the Congress'. Moore predicted. Result; a massive swing to Bush. And Wesley Clark, of whom Moore said; 'He will cream George W Bush'. Result;Wes was wiped.
Moore,s latest pet cause is Iraqi insurgency, 'They are the REVOLUTION, the minutemen, and their numbers will grow,' Moore wrote, ' and they will win.'
Sure they will Mike. Just like youre handout-addicted French drama friends.
Wasn't Saddam ousted for doing precisely this sort of thing?
by Simon inutterly disgusting.
those responsible should be lined against a wall and shot.
publicly.. i think that would win more hearts and minds than bombing cities and using gunships on civilian areas..
Realist you said- The Kurds were killed because they were in a battle zone wrong. 3500 Kurds were killed by saddam also wrong try 150,000. 3500 Kurds were killed in one town with poison gas one morning before breakfast. Saddam wanted to rid his country of Kurds altogether.
As far as I am concerned our Countries make decisions to safeguard our security and as a member of the community I support there decisions. Sure bad things happen on all sides bad things happen in our own countries too.
As a general statement here as we deal with the muslim world the root cause is insoluble- the failure of Islamic radicalism and the success of the West. You wont solve it by closing every Mcdonalds and closing down every movie theatre.
Its a mistake to think all muslims are radicalor all muslims are terrorists but its also stupid to think only alqaeda supports terrorism.
If there are a billion muslims there are probably more than 10 million and less than 100 million who will strongly support violence as a means and thats an enourmous challenge. Barry
Ressurection question
by Sookie ini'm hoping someone can help me out.
based upon the belief that death acquits a person of sin, do jws believe that all those (jws and non-jws) who die before armageddon arrives will be ressurected?
just for my reference, can someone show me where this can be found in the bible?
Something like that elderwho Ivr been mistaken fopr John Cleese but I dont think I look Like him much.
Paul was simply pointing out an inconsistancy in the beleif system of this Jewish sect, 'you baptize for the dead but dont beleive in the ressurrection' would that mean not beleiveing in the ressurrection was biblical too?
Anyway Dan I allways invite the missionarys in when they come around my Dad is an SDA elder and he has recording of the morman choir he plays almost every week after church. Barry
Wasn't Saddam ousted for doing precisely this sort of thing?
by Simon inutterly disgusting.
those responsible should be lined against a wall and shot.
publicly.. i think that would win more hearts and minds than bombing cities and using gunships on civilian areas..
Simon whats youre problem? These soldiers are being dealt with by the rule of military law but you would want them lined up and shot in public, strange logic. Barry
Ressurection question
by Sookie ini'm hoping someone can help me out.
based upon the belief that death acquits a person of sin, do jws believe that all those (jws and non-jws) who die before armageddon arrives will be ressurected?
just for my reference, can someone show me where this can be found in the bible?
The Jewish sect as referred to in Corinthians 15;29 baptized for the dead but I see no indication that this practice is valid christian teaching it is simply saying 'you jews baptize for the dead but dont beleive in the ressurrection. Please Dan read some bible commentries on this passage. Barry
What was the silliest thing they told you NOT to do?
by goddess_baal inthere was some really piddily-crap that i remember.. for instance, when i was about 17 toe-rings became popular, and one of the sisters bought one....wore it to the kh during the summer with her sandals.
my best friend in the hall wanted one, which of course caused this huge debate about whether it would be okay 'in jehovah's eyes', and didn't it go against the scripture that counsels women against "bodily adornment", blah-blah-blah.
toe rings??!
I was very keen on doing some hang gliding at the time and I was advised to rethink about buying a hang glider. Come to think of it hang gliding is dangerous it was good advice looking back. Barry
Religious meetings once a week=enough
by JH inof all the religions i know of, the one that is the most time consuming, is the jw religion.
it's not just the fact that there is a meeting every 2 days, but these meetings have to be prepared ahead of time.
being a jw, is almost a full time job.
My wife and our two boys usually go to 1 meeting a week and is the weekly bible study, we could stay for the divine service but with two small boys it is difficult. The classes they go to is for there agegroup so they have fun singing and playing with kids there own age. I go to the adults class.
Sometimes we go to the catholic church as my wife is catholic thats only an hour service but they have closed communion and I dont realy fit in. Also the Catholics have a strange way of raceing to their car straight after the service unlike members from other churches who stand around after church in an effort to talk to fellow cultists. Barry
Why I think Bush is scary
by Simon in in woodward's portrait, president bush is single-minded, and possibly simple-minded, in his resolve.
he seems to have relied more on divine guidance than the considered opinions of his top advisers.
bush told woodward that as he approached the final decision to go to war, "i was praying for strength to do the lord's will ... i'm surely not going to justify war based on god.
Bush is not even a small fraction as scarey as many of these terrorists we are at war with. Give me Bush any day but here in Australia we support our American friends and have done so for a very long time. Barry
Looking for Aussies
by natalienu inhi guys,.
feeling a little lonely on here.
any aussies out there?.
Gday Nat Im in canbera there are quite a few aussies here If you take time to get to know them. Barry