And the winner of the best film award at the Cannes festival is ...

by Simon 103 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Simon

    Farenheit 9/11 ... sorry Neo Cons

    Any film that gets a 15 min standing ovation must be worth watching. I wonder if Bush will go see it?!

  • patio34

    Thanks Simon. When it first was reported a few days ago in the US press, it said the reporter timed the ovation at 20 minutes.

    Everyone I know is going to see it (me too of course)! Great timing too!


  • Mulan

    Don't you all agree that most of Hollywood is Democratic, and not Republican, despite Arnold S?

    I heard about this movie when the Disney people passed on it, and think it's hilarious that now they want it!! I will see it for sure.

  • avishai

    I look at Michael Moore the same way as i look at Conservative radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage. Nuggets of truth wrapped in half truths, blatant lies and propaganda. It's entertainment disguised as propaganda and true fact politics, and about 50-80% is bullshit. No difference between him and Rush, It's just if you are liberal and gullible, and toe party lines, you are likely to view and spout their word as gospel. Same for the conservatives. It's ridiculous that so many of us allow ourselves to be polarized so completely.

  • rem

    I hear the french love Jerry Lewis too. :-P


  • avishai
    Some critics speculated that if ?Fahrenheit 9/11? won the top prize, it would be more for the film?s politics than its cinematic value

    My point exactly.

  • jst2laws


    It's ridiculous that so many of us allow ourselves to be polarized so completely.

    Agreed. They are famous for taking a few facts and sensationalizing them to win their audience. However, Michael Moore did not start as a radio or TV host trying to win ratings. He started as a no-body in Michigan wanting answers. He pursued issues and as a side affect became famous. Many of the republican showman were professionals who secure their careers by sensationalizing the conservative perspective.

    No way Moore can be lumped into the same pot as Rush or O'Niel. Just look at his physical presence. He is in a different class.


  • little witch
    little witch

    I first saw Michaels "documentary" about the job losses in Detroit, his first such indeavor into films I guess.

    Although I sympathize with those who lossed their employment (being from a blue collar family myself), I felt his method and reasoning was flawed....

    How is walking up to the doors of a corporation (accompanied by cameras, without an appointment or request for an interview), boldly asking a baited and skewed question to a receptionist gaining anything other than " uhhhhh.....just a and so is unavailable"?

    I mean really? Other than gaining applause on the fringes (meaning those who were victims) what did it gain? Other than awards and accolades for the non-sense?

    Being confrontational is not a solution....maybe an emotional one, but not a useful one.

    Plenty of times I (and others) have been confrontational on this board with people who in my view have stated or done something seemingly incomprehensible. Only after hearing opposing views without the emotional precursor have meaningful answers and opionions come through.

    Personally, I have learned to see through heated remarks. I have learned to LISTEN to people, and not "jump on the bandwagon". Unfortunatly, Michael Moore is enjoying his fame and fortune too much to learn from his mistakes.

  • SixofNine

    This movie will use the public baffoonery of the Bush administration, the public ugliness
    of the war in Iraq, and the administrations' public cluelessness in prosecuting that war, to make
    GW Bush and co look like ugly, clueless, baffoons. And when the public sees whose advice and
    friendship GW Bush really values (hint, it isn't the American people's), they'll understand what that
    smirk is all about.
    This can only inspire one of two possible reactions in people who heretofore have given Bush a pass. 
  • talesin


    He also fails to attack people by race and/or gender, instead directing his satire/criticism at classicism. Love him or hate him, criticize him all you want for half-truths or whatever, just don't tar him with the same brush as that disgusting mysoginistic racist Limbaugh.


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