The apostle Paul had was with women. In 1 Cor, can't remember scripture but not hard to find...he states that women should be quiet in the congregation and if they have a question, they must go through their husbands, their husbands acting as even spokesperson for the wife. Paul does not say 'quiet in the sense of giving talks, or acting as elder, he does not quantify that statement. So why don't Jw's take that statement literally and state a law that women should be QUIET, period, while in the congregation. No, they manipulate his words to their own liking, watering it down a bit, just to appease the masses. This has always bugged me for 3 reasons:
A) The entire bible itself is sexist and does not allow for positive societal changes, ie. status of women
B) Paul wrote many things that from his own admission, "in my opinion," BUT many JW's 'principles' are based on Pauls' writings. Isn't he the prick that wrote about 'not even eating with such a man?' that ONE principle is the bases for the entire disfellowhipping practice. (Notable and off topic, is how Jesus went out of his way to be with ppl that society had 'marked)
C) The 'QUIET' principle that Paul wrote about....a classic example of how JW's accept whatever principles or laws etc in the bible that suit their purpose and disregard others that do not.