I have come across these songs as well. The story that I heard on them is that they were recorded approximately four years ago at the request of the Society. All of the people involved with the recordings were JWs. Then, after they were recorded, the Society could not reach a unanimous vote to release them, so the project was put aside. Since they never released the recordings, all copies are "unauthorized." Celine Dion was not involved, but rather the female voice is that of Sister Lafond. Some of the names involved are: Benson, Graham, Ingram, Lafond, Hutchins, Colello, Kavelin, and Baker. I've also heard another song that is solo guitar. This is not from the same group of people - but it does sound remarkably similar to Prince's style.
JoinedPosts by first_moon
March KM also gives instructions to POs
by stillajwexelder inalso in the march km apart from the big front page article about awake being monthly - is a rebuke to pos to distribute kms as soon as they arrive.
i am glad about this - far too many pos are control freaks and distribute kms at last possible minute - it is almost as if they are saying - i am better than you because i get my km about 3 weeks before you do.
anyway we got our march kms last night and they were distributed immediately