Ok, just wanting to vent here for a minute....
for all that don't know me very well, I have been dfd for about 8 years now and am just starting to figure out where I want to be as far as from a religious standpoint.
Now, I have started to delve back into research to mitigate the bible and early protestant v. catholics. Its pretty interesting, but I havent really set foot in any different churches for a while. Once in a while, we go down the street to my hubbys church where he grew up. Its a nice ceremony, but one I cant really get into. But, I digress, thats not really what this post is about...I had a conversation with my best friend that has left me quite unnerved.
Although In the past, she has been a somewhat religious person, not going to church too much, but more in her actions and words, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but lately her beliefs have taken the form of shoving it in everyones face. It is a disgusting thing to see again, one I would much rather not see. She calls it an "awakening".....I call it silly.
She has been reading chapters out of "The Purpose Driven Life", an inspirational book, the same one a few weeks ago, a teller at a bank talked down a hostage with. Although I dont doubt the effectiveness of the message for people, I do question her pattern of thinking. We had a conversation yesterday dealing with a situation with her husband.
Basically, he didn't want to read the book, and went to sleep when she wanted to study. She was VERY mad at him and was venting to me. Heres how it went down:
Her: "You know it really made me mad when he just ignored what God has put out for him. I tell ya, Melbatoast, it is getting to the point with him that I am afraid for his eternal life. Im afraid that he will end up one place and I the other
Me: Well, you know that decision is not yours to make.
Her: I know but I want to help him along......the bible says faith with out works.........
Me: Having a relationship with god is a very personal thing, some would rather not discuss it, like me. I am a very spiritual person, but I dont go to church. Hell, I havent even decided what I believe yet.....maybe Hubby X just wants to decide for himself what is true and right....
Her: Well, for you....you are just finding HimFor Hubby X, he has been raised Methodist, and all of his family are church abiding people.....you know I was reading about Paul, he said that anyone that doesnt have the right heart, we shouldnt even be ASSOCIATING WITH THEM!.
Me (Getting madder): You know that scripture is the one my mother quotes to me to shun me and my family. Are you saying that you cant be with Hubby X if he doesnt believe like you do?
Her: Well, if it comes down to going fishing on a sunday, or going to church with me...he's going to have to make a decision...and I just hopes he make the right one.
Me: Well I do too (Thinks if he's smart, he'll still go fishing )
Our conversation was cut short, my baby had grabbed a glass.....so I exited stage right and said I had to go....I didn't know what else to do. Her ignorance to other people beliefs irritated me...and this is a new part of her personality....she has started this hardcore Xtian take, and I dont know if I like it at all. I don't know what to tell her the next time I speak with her....should I tell her quit trying to push her "Purpose Driven LIfe" Book and come back to reality.....or just stick through it?
Oh, I also have failed to mention she is bipolar and not on her meds....I keep thinking this is just a manic episode.....Any advice?