Taken from the journal Families and Society 84 no. 4. Cults and Families
My take: although JW's are not fully accepted as a cult in psychology or sociology (JWs are listed as an "established sect"), this article has many points that have interested me. I want opinions, thoughts, etc from anyone that cares to respond. Thanks for your help!
Article Excerpt:
Developmental theories state that part of growing up involves beginning to question the status quo, or what the child has been raised believing. This questioning enables maturing children to sort out what they believe versus what their parents believe and what their values are versus what those of their parents are. This process supports the individuating self. In cult situations, both children and adults recieve punishment for questioning the group, and children learn to suppress autonomous thinking. As a consequence, childrens cognitive development is stunted.
Do you think that your cognitive development was stunted? What was the first instance you remember of questioning a belief ( to either a parent or someone in the congo?