JoinedPosts by BATHORY
What are You all Doing Here?
by TisInYourWishbone ina friend of mine recommended i peruse this forum because he is of the impression i would find it rewarding.
the basis of his recommendation was due to a very long friendship and not due to any association (that i do not have) with jehovahs witnesses.
he considers me his superior in intellect and wants an appraisal of this sight but to be honest i have neither the incliniation nor the time to get in deep enough to comment.
What are You all Doing Here?
by TisInYourWishbone ina friend of mine recommended i peruse this forum because he is of the impression i would find it rewarding.
the basis of his recommendation was due to a very long friendship and not due to any association (that i do not have) with jehovahs witnesses.
he considers me his superior in intellect and wants an appraisal of this sight but to be honest i have neither the incliniation nor the time to get in deep enough to comment.
I think i was wrong ozzie..... looks like this punter is YK i reakon !!!
What are You all Doing Here?
by TisInYourWishbone ina friend of mine recommended i peruse this forum because he is of the impression i would find it rewarding.
the basis of his recommendation was due to a very long friendship and not due to any association (that i do not have) with jehovahs witnesses.
he considers me his superior in intellect and wants an appraisal of this sight but to be honest i have neither the incliniation nor the time to get in deep enough to comment.
Oz, yeh unlike a good shiraz, d ol' farkelmeister gets more pungent over time, so yeh 50 years should probably do it for this bloke.
Tell me newbie, is your friend a member of this forum ?? If so who is he / she ??
Which country you from ??
Just interested to see if all self-proposed demigods find their way to sacremento and fade into disrepute.
Celia my dearest, whould i do that.....
Well at least this twit hasnt publically humiliated hymself....yet..
What are You all Doing Here?
by TisInYourWishbone ina friend of mine recommended i peruse this forum because he is of the impression i would find it rewarding.
the basis of his recommendation was due to a very long friendship and not due to any association (that i do not have) with jehovahs witnesses.
he considers me his superior in intellect and wants an appraisal of this sight but to be honest i have neither the incliniation nor the time to get in deep enough to comment.
Shit here we go, we got another Farkel in the makin' here fellas !!!
by shera ini just wanted to say something that is ticking me off a bit....... one of my best friends was raised a jw.......she wants nothing to do with it,but she is making her step daughter go to the meetings and assemblies(sp)....her step daughter doesnot want to go.i'm sitting there listening to her forcing her daughter go to the meetings...i'm getting sick to my stomache.why is she doing this to her daughter?she knows what it is like and what it did to did nothing for her...accept get her married off at 16.arrrgggg!!!.
all i said to them "i" don't go beyond the bible!!!!
sorrie,but i'm blowing off a bit off steam here.her step daughter can still have b-days and holidays(which is good) but she has to go to the meetings!her father thinks it is a cult and wants nothing to do with it.....omg!!!.
Farkelstein, thats beyond the most stupid thing i have read from you.
Besids the obvious, your lowdown empty comment regarding the holy bible would render all your bullshit essays meaningless wouldnt it idiot ??!!
Just when you think you have reached an all time low, you better it with such an insulting statement.
Some here respect the bible kok breath, and live by it to a varying degree.
It would be like me saying " hey douglass yer mom is a whore " , not i reakon your mom is a whore, but rather she IS and i have the proof !!
Dropkick, your pathetic.
Your post offends me deep.
How the fuk do you get through a day and upon introspection find yourself to be little more than a small, decayed remnent of what you could have been and not want to walk in front of a truck ??
It must be really crappy being you douglass, you will die a very bitter old prick !
Kent Steinhaug?
by Rado Vleugel inkent told me a few months ago he was planning to retire from his work on exposing the wts.
his website isnt updated anymore.. .
i have mailed him several times, but i didnt get any response.. .
Word off the steet is that the EU has captured him, handed him over to the WT where he is kept in a special cell in brooklyn. There are 16 various doctors that are doing tests with the aim of preposing a hypothesis as to his quirky nature.
The 10 page brief mentioned " do not bring ANY permanent harm to his personage ". The rectal probe "incident", didnt happen !! ( i could hear a fierce bellowing from behind the harlequin door " i dont want to see any paperwork on this labousky " ).
Supposedly he is not succumbing to their repeated requests for knowledge, so he is being moved to the worst of torture chambers in P47. There his bestest virtues and strenghts will be fully put to the test exploiting a sadistic loophole in the brief, unmentionable attempts to break the man will be had by old and older. Supposedly if he does not " spew up ya motivation " it will mean virtual death for our Kent, for he will be put in a fully mirrored room, his eyes kept open with matches and naked pictures of Prisca will be continually forced upon him.
Poor kent, we will remember him as a man that hated not wisely, but too much.
by UnDisfellowshipped ini am posting this thread because i've seen some people ask "who are the freemasons?
back a few years ago, i had never heard of the masons before.. then, i had some masons involved in my life, so i did a lot of research into them (at the library, on the internet, in books, testimony by former masons, etc.)..
i will start a thread soon and post my beliefs and opinions on freemasonry.. here are a few things i have found in my research.. in a "well-ordered" masonic lodge, masons are allowed to believe in any god they want to, except jesus christ.. in fact, in a "well-ordered" masonic lodge, the name jesus christ should not even be mentioned.. that makes one wonder, doesn't it?.
Yeh G'Day undis
Interesting yes indeed.
You mention that the so called illuminati is PART of the freemason group. You should investigate that further mate.
For those with discernment, and i know this second hand, King Hussain ( not jnr ) of Jordan was level 22. There are others like him also that subscribe to the groups ideals, it would suprise many whom these ones are !
There has been much interest and commentary on such groups here in the past as you know, and to date, i cant recall anyone offering a realistic or true misson statement for the group, for what purpose did they initially form, how are they very different now, and how this impacts on the world and us personally.
Larc cracks me up man, undies why dont you call or write them, ohh and say number 245768jr said g'day.
Just out of interest, does anyone here have their 'book', know the passwords for any levels or is familiar with their identifying procedure and gestures ?
Does anyone know anything about bottom left hand side ???
Focus on Bill Bowen and Ray Franz (CENSORED)
by Focus inbill bowen wrote about ray franz in.
* the thread found by clicking here.
his silence regarding abuse causes me to question his ability to stand for what is morally and ethically right.. .
umm....did you forget to WHACK !!!!
or to LETS ROLL !!!!
in any event, what a great guy ray is huh
Snow White Group Dynamics
by BATHORY inyeh g'day all you hobbits ;.
given the latest outbreaks of what appears to be a transient ( or previously dormant ) manifestation of altered sympathomimetic function that we have been exposed to at this forum by virtue of a few " you know whom they are posters", possibly as a result of the over active renal metabilisation of phenylamines and their analogues, ( very likely 3 - 4 ring substituted methoxy derivitives ), makes one question, or at least ponder, over the grand daddy of 'em all, namely..... what is the driving force behind peoples behaviour within a dynamic and a closed group ??.
i do not prepose to bluff you good people with a theoretical paradigm, rather, i would like to offer those aforementioned ones an opportunity here within the walls of this forum, to tender insight for our consideration, you know, so that we can get a better appreciation for your lot in life, and whom it is that you really are.. i ask you to help me understand the why's.. ultimately then, we as a cyber family, will be better equipt to interact with you and there may then be less a probabilty of the invariably grief that arises due to a misunderstanding of self.. can i offer the first piece of relevant light... .
Yeh G'Day all you hobbits ;
Given the latest outbreaks of what appears to be a transient ( or previously dormant ) manifestation of altered sympathomimetic function that we have been exposed to at this forum by virtue of a few " you know whom they are posters", possibly as a result of the over active renal metabilisation of phenylamines and their analogues, ( very likely 3 - 4 ring substituted methoxy derivitives ), makes one question, or at least ponder, over the grand daddy of 'em all, namely....
What is the driving force behind peoples behaviour within a dynamic and a closed group ??
I do not prepose to bluff you good people with a theoretical paradigm, rather, i would like to offer those aforementioned ones an opportunity here within the walls of this forum, to tender insight for our consideration, you know, so that we can get a better appreciation for your lot in life, and whom it is that you really are.
I ask you to help me understand the why's.
Ultimately then, we as a cyber family, will be better equipt to interact with you and there may then be less a probabilty of the invariably grief that arises due to a misunderstanding of self.
Can i offer the first piece of relevant light..
* For cognitive psychology, one major problem with psychoanalysis is the interpreting of unconscious or symbolic meaning. I have been developing a qualitative cognitive and linguistic methodology for analyzing and validating unconscious meaning in conversations. For example, I have found that literal stories in conversations are often symbolic, or metaphorical references to what is actually happening in the social situation where the conversation is occurring. Because I have developed a cognitive linguistic framework, I call such unconscious meaning, subliteral. *
Loyalty to the truth
by happy man in.
at bokstudy yesterday , we talk of the diffrent things gb say, and who we must stand to this.. i tell that they are only peopel and have make some misstaks, as we can se , fore exampel in the proclaimers book, well the study leader say, we must shoe loyality to the gb, even iif it later show upp to bee wrong, it is very importat that we follow what they say.. this is a ver difficult area, ofcourse in our religion we can not have 6 million diffretn wuies, but if we follow evry word very carefull, are we then not follow man?.
what about if they say something who take your life, and later change this, who is responsibel, or even worse our kidds, who are resposibel if they die on such polyci, like the transplantaision prohibition, we have fore some time, are we fore exampel personaly responsibel fore our akts, when the day is here, or can we say, we only follow what the gb say.. this is a very tricky qestion who i think about a lot
Hillo hapy man
Youz hav big one falaci to do in you argumentation.
Im nut teazz yu here one, butt releight beter one for him is yu.
Muhamad sayes, loyulti and othar singz diferent bludy, compair no gud
i confuze yu specific questsion maik