Posts by Qcmbr
Surge in Mormon Suicides
by cofty inlast november the mormon cult has issued new rules about homosexuality labelling those in same-sex relationships as apostates who can be excommunicated.
children of gay couples are now required to leave home and repudiate their parent's relationship before they can be part of the church.. at least 32 gay mormon youths have killed themselves since the announcement of the new policy, and there’s been an alarming increase of suicidal teens and twenty-somethings in the church.....
Also - there is still debate on actual figures: -
Surge in Mormon Suicides
by cofty inlast november the mormon cult has issued new rules about homosexuality labelling those in same-sex relationships as apostates who can be excommunicated.
children of gay couples are now required to leave home and repudiate their parent's relationship before they can be part of the church.. at least 32 gay mormon youths have killed themselves since the announcement of the new policy, and there’s been an alarming increase of suicidal teens and twenty-somethings in the church.....
The Mormon collapse is apace. The next own goal is about to hit the news; the writer of the PDF at is about to be given a church court. This is going to be publicised a lot and the number of members reading this article will increase - shelves will continue to break.
The LDS image of pro-family and progressive attitudes is being destroyed. The tragedy of LDS youth deaths is the sharp end of the ongoing tragedy of this cult. This is as real as it gets and an example of why faith based belief is only a step away from material harm. These suicides are all caused by tragedy in someones life and the recent LDS statements and policies against gay people and their children has undoubtedly contributed if not caused many of these suicides.
The LDS leadership are also , stupidly, opposing medical maruijana in Utah which is already costing them internal support
The Guardian asks the question: "Are people ever converted by street or doorstep evangelists?" Do you want to answer?
by AndersonsInfo in
has anyone ever actually been converted to a different religion by people who knock on the door, hand out leaflets or proselytise in public places?.
kate percival, london e15.
I did over 70 door to door over 2 years on an LDS mission in England Manchester. Did they stay active - nope. -
What are the biggest holes in evolution?
by shadow inhow honest are the proponents of evolution?
idk but curious to see what type of response there is on a topic like this or does their study only seek to confirm their preconceptions and ignore uncomfortable facts?
Evolution is not a debate about magic. It poses no challenge to a supernatural world except where the supernatural is the explanation for observed material things. Old magical stories about undying gardens , immortals, supernatural fruit and talking animals did once provide an explanation for observed life. More importantly, from a social aspect, they provided a story to satiate the curiosity of mankind. They just don't fit the evidence and once that has been collated, collected and compared it is clear that another more mechanical process is at work. Evolution challenges the mythical creation stories from the human past.
If an individual wishes to look for holes in evolution in order to promote a bronze age myth then they are clearly foolish. If an individual wishes to expose incorrect parts of current models regarding evolutionary processes for the furtherment of human knowledge then the tools, means and methods are available via science, education and practical experimentation and discovery; they are a welcome member of the global human effort to better understand our world.
Evolution is the elegant and simple realisation that whenever a self-replicating structure employs an imperfect copy process change is inevitable. The elegance of that simple idea is that it explains the observed bio-diversity of life - a self-replicating structure - not only in the present but also as evidenced by the historical record (the ancestral record as displayed by fossils.) The strength of the answer is in its 100% agreement with every single avenue of testing and exploration from the microscopic genetic level through to the bio-mechanical shared body plans of mammals.
Church of Christ Brainwashing Children Video
by cofty inall churches are cults, it's just a matter of degree.. always submit to the church administrationfor they were placed by lord god to lead his nationif we obey then we will receive salvationsing along with me.... ....
Mormon version of this crapulence - please feel free never to watch: -
We have 3. Add a chromecast and it gets real fun. Keyboards suck though - keys keep needing to be reset. Kids live on them for social media and browsing plus the odd bit of homework. -
Evolutionists Who Are Against Darwinism
by Perry inthis is a nice list of evolutionary scientists and their quotes regarding the impossibility of naturalism or materialism being able to account for life as it is observed :.
evolutionists against darwinism.
most, while sympathetic and respectful of their more committed colleagues, are disparaged as morons for not carrying the materialism banner as a religion, as a matter of faith.
Perry - I see your faith is wavering. You are spending far too much time trying to persuade people that they are x or y and that how they think is a religion. As a xian surely you should be testifying of Christ. I mean you have a dead man who has come back to life who can walk on water and make magic wine. Why the hell are you bothered by science, evolution or defining everyone else's state of mind.
You see it's because your subconscious mind knows you have nothing real to back up your fantastical worldview and so diverts you to a time filling exercise that keeps your consciousness busy and placated. Your subconscious is causing you to deflect. It's a self defense mechanism.
Richard Dawkins espouses Militant Atheism: "Mock them, Ridicule them." Attack Religious People with Insults!
by MagicMItchJensen inrichard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
Institutions or people who wish to impose power over other people must have some form of leverage. This will either be legal (you must 'obey' the police or go to jail), physical (I have a knife), resource (they pay you), cultural (she cannot wear that or she will be shunned) or intellectual (he knows something you don't.) Since religion can cross all those boundaries - and regularly does - it can only be weakened by an equal or superior opposite force. Mockery and derision attack the cultural and intellectual forces of religion. If an idea can withstand and triumph over mockery and derision then it is a worthy cultural and intellectual force (it does not make it right, just worthy).
If an idea cannot withstand derision and mockery and can only stand if aided by legal, physical or financial support then it is intrinsically unstable and weak. The true believers of a faith should relish mockery and derision. Only those deeply insecure in their belief seek to be unchallenged and hide behind squeals for respect and politeness because that allows them to continue to impose their will over you.
Religious people attempt to control and impose their will over everyone else by dictating what can be said and what can be done from basic social interactions through to state level laws. It is very rare for a religion to stand up for freedom of thought or to celebrate difference and individuality.
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
"I don't understand why almost all the threads that run the longest on this site have to do with atheism/theism debates"
In our pointless world we all generate meaning from our worldview. Joy, anger, fear, all are channeled and focused by what we believe and our responses informed and mediated by it. For some it is family, others it is work but for most it is religion and god(s) - it(they) provide purpose when none exists, they cause society to build pyramids and to hand over scarce resources to men in dresses and give in return peace, hope and devotion. These discussions are so important because they are so fundamental to who we are, what we do and why we do those things in our brief, flickering existence.
I understand the love of faith based magic thinking. It is an exhilarating drug with easy highs and sumptuous lows. It is glorious, however, like all ideologies (Nazism and Stalinism are two easy examples) the cost to the individual can far exceed the collective benefit. For those of us who are outside religion it is easier to see the long term cost of a faith worldview (ultimately by providing false but comforting answers it stifles our ability to look for or generate novel meaning that may better meet our needs - a bronze age, mystic cult is not suited to a technological and scientific community.)
This debate and the millions that will follow are our collective way of un-ravelling and discarding millenia of magic based culture and replacing it with fact based humanism.
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
A believer in a God lies out of both sides of their mouth when they claim that atheists are unable to disprove ANY god. The moment the believer defines the ONE god they happen to believe in it is a very basic set of steps to scientifically dismantle those claims since the definition of a God delineates what God is and what God is not and ascribes qualities to such an entity, qualities that can be checked to see if they hold up to scientific investigation.
Any believers wanna try?