Nowhere in the bible is there evidence of a god who does not like structure, authority and organisation. Every page carries themes of obedience, exactness, ways to worship and behaviours that are not acceptable. Steadying the ark , as many gnostic / liberal Christians do when they presume themselves so in tune with divinity that they can act as papal editors would not fly with either bible god or bible Christ.
Some things this laissez faire approach to worship will struggle to answer without launching into full prophet mode ( I.e. will require you to claim scriptural ability as you overturn and replace existing scripture ) the following 2 things:
Priesthood - authority to perform acts in Gods name such as baptism, temple service, leading the body of Christ and so forth. There is no structure, all existing scriptural prophets are demoted - there words easily thrown out - all the male / Christ symbolism gone and all is replaced by broad fuzzy definitions of Christ ( love/ light/yumminess) designed to be undefinable. Anarchy of fools.
Fellowship - while the Internet is a handy modern get out of jail free card it has not been a possible method for most Xians who need to experience the full body of Christ. The organisation of churches is fundamental to the ability to break bread together, evangelise and to be built as a body united as one. The moment the wannabe prophetesses and prophets decide to arbitrate on what god is or is not ( something AG and her disciple Tec do constantly ) then confusion is sown because no self made prophet creating a god in their own image will ever agree with another. You start to get bizarre beliefs like dragons, crucified leprous Jesus and yahoo answers to readers questions Jesus who is such BFF with prophet x that they can pop off for a sec to find out Christs current words on a poster or what he really did at the cross.
In summation Christ is a product of imagination and will continue to be recreated in the minds of the faithful onwards, every believer knows they are a true believer and their Christ is the authentic one. There is no way to pass on information , no structure to act as a repository of teaching and knowledge and no reason to trust that anyone is being guided by Christ ( I could happily masquerade as a liberal xian by trotting out very childlike verbal responses to questions - you are talking about others not me, Christ is <nebulous infinately malleable concept like 'truth'> , respect is all I ask for, have some cake and crumpets..repeat ) .