So SBF how's your lifestyle since you turned your back on science and it's fruits? A good faithist like you will undoubtably enjoy praying away the worlds pain and ills , your food will be grown from good old heirloom low yield seed stock from the 18th century and will be fertilised in the three crop rotation system ( unless it's discovery by trial and error is too scientific for you in which case I'm sure you also will just pray over your hand sown wheat and tares .) I hope you don't sell your soul to the fraudulent scientific world by having cars , radios or computers. Your posts here are simply miracles woven into the fabric of this magic world caused by your incredible mustard seed faith.
Science is a method of approaching truth that is unsurpassed by any other process devised by the imagination of man. It is not a church, faith or composite whole claiming divine perfection or the right to dictate how the gullible live their lives. There will always be fraudsters who pretend, for fame and profit, to have knowledge. Thank goodness the scientific process has an inbuilt fraud detection process allowing incorrect and fraudulent claims to rapidly be exposed in a matter of years unlike bloody faith based religions who have to carve their way across millions of dead and dying and over thousands of years to realise their holy wars are just barbarism and that they've all been fooled by the priests and the pious idiots who see magic in the shadows and are so arrogant as to think divinity speaks through them.
I trust the scientific method over the opinions on reality of a supernaturalist - every time.