bohm - yeah , the right wing media isn't providing its own solutions and I suspect that's because it's acting as a counter culture at the moment. There isn't much appetite - or social space - to discuss actually solving problems. You almost need someone with a thick skin to just get on with it otherwise it all just ends up in a talking shop. I'm not going to cover your figures - its late and I'm lazy - I always thought though the US was having a wave of illegal Mexican migration that was more than a few.
The election of Trump - as an example of a real change against the flow - has been met with an incredible emotional backlash and I suspect this stops most people from wanting to get involved in the real debate since everything he has proposed to actually deal with issues is so heavily trashed. Anything other than the status quo (currently the fashionable liberal socialist agenda) get's re-labeled as racism, bigotry and so forth. Even if - in a worst case scenario - a policy was actually racist or culturalist or discriminatory in some way it might actually solve a problem quicker than taking the moral high road (off topic but just the same way sex education actually reduces abortions/unplanned pregnancy while counter intuitively 'moral' christian abstinence teaching increases it.)
Trump - for all his indelicacy and social offence - is what solving problems looks like. It's ugly. It's also why he has so many who support him either verbally or privately. While most of those who disagree are incredibly vocal the reality is its the political and social institutions of the last 8 years have been impotent and have caused a lot of the issues we see (Obama for all his smooth talk was as vicious a war leader as any other and was more than happy to terrorise with drones. Merkel was naive in her open door policy)
The Calais jungle - as was- is a perfect example of a real problem that no-one was 'allowed' to solve (a proper response could create an external/periphery EU processing 'city' to act as a European Ellis Island, all unprocessed immigrants would need to be removed from EU territory to this processing site and then vetted, age checked, photographed, finger printed and issued paperwork - and where necessary refused entry.) When no-one grasps the nettle over PC issues you end up actually risk creating a humanitarian and social disaster.
Creating a series of hate laws to protect minority groups end up increasing hatred of those groups. When a Muslim can walk down your high street with a placard talking about 'death to the West' but anyone who remonstrates with that individual risks breaking a hate law then justice has been perverted.
When you are discouraged for flying your own flag while a protester is congratulated for burning it something deeply disturbing has happened.
When an immigrant can burn down their free accommodation and then get immediately rehoused while lots of people flock around with free blankets but your own children cannot afford leave your home because of a housing shortage something has gone wrong.
The left wants to care for everyone cradle to grave while the right wants to provide conditions for self regulation. The left cannot solve and actually creates freeloading while the right cannot solve and indeed encourages inequality. The middle ground is constantly crowded out by extremism.Uncontrolled immigration is polarizing the incumbents and fomenting social division.
We are experiencing exactly what all incumbent civilizations have when a wave of migration threatens to swamp them. We are the American Indians of our day and , just like them, we are exploring all the ways we can to survive.