Israli resoning:
Those damn suicide bombers, killing innocent civillians! Killing inocent civillians is wrong! Let's go over there and kill MORE innocent civllians than they killed! that'll show 'em.
The only difference is we wont blow ourselves up.
interesting article about what happened in jenin
Israli resoning:
Those damn suicide bombers, killing innocent civillians! Killing inocent civillians is wrong! Let's go over there and kill MORE innocent civllians than they killed! that'll show 'em.
The only difference is we wont blow ourselves up.
interesting article about what happened in jenin
Interesting article about what happened in Jenin
yes sir ree bob tail, i had a big one.
i had four hours into my brand new job making $18.00 and hour which would have topped out at $25.00 in two months when i got this quezzy feeling in my chest and became light headed and weak kneed.
one of the girls looked out her office door and said, "do you need help?" raising my head off the the lumber pile i answered, "yes, i think i'm having a heart attack?" the pari-medics arrived within minutes ushered me to dessert spring critical care center in las vegas, nv.
Naeblis, so it's true canadians say 'bub'? I thought it was something they made up for WOlverine.
by the way didnt you love hugh jackmans canadian accent in X-men the movie??
i just discovered this place tonight.
i've been out of the "truth" (haha) for about 12 years and had no idea there were such places like this.
i'm sure that this could have helped me through my 5 year post df depression.
Maybe THX was taken? Or George Lucas wulda sued him if he was THX?
last year when i read the script for episode 1 months before it was released i was like nah..this cant be the real script.
and then i saw the movie and it went exactly as scripted.
so yeah, from what i read this one is very political, very confusing but very cool also.. *****spoilers ahead***************.
my email is [email protected]
i thought my profile had been changed to reflect that? lemme check it again
last year when i read the script for episode 1 months before it was released i was like nah..this cant be the real script.
and then i saw the movie and it went exactly as scripted.
so yeah, from what i read this one is very political, very confusing but very cool also.. *****spoilers ahead***************.
Last year when I read the script for episode 1 months before it was released I was like nah..this cant be the real script. And then I saw the movie and it went exactly as scripted. :)
So yeah, from what I read this one is VERY political, very confusing but very cool also.
*****SPOILERS AHEAD***************
Yoda fights count Dokoo and when count dokoo sends ligthning at yoda, yoda balls it up and sends it back at dokoo. Yoda will use a minature lightsaber to fight, and in the beginning of the fight he wont even budge from where he stands, we will just stand there and deflect all of dokoo's attacks.
Annakins mom died, anakin gets his arm cut off by dokoo, both these events send him to the dark side with hate..or rather start to. At the end of the movie he is not darth vader yet.
We meet lars owen and aunt beru.
It turns out Padme originally puts on c3po's outer covering.
Boba fett is a clone of jango fett. Mace windu kills jango. It is implied that jango gets his head severed.
Many many many jedi die. They get slaughtered by driods, but then the day is saved when clone-troopers come at the last monute. So these early storm troopers are actually good guys.
Obi wan gets his ass kicked by count dokoo
Wanna know who put the emperor in power? Jar jar binks!!! He puts the deciding vote granting emperor palpantine supreme power. Jar jar stops talking in his stupid messa so dumb talk and talks in dignified english. He sometimes slips back into jar jar talk.
Darth Tyranus and count dokoo are the same people. Duh!
Anakin gets revenge on the tusken raiders who killed his mom by slaughtering their village. This is his first use of the dark side.
If anyone wants the script ill email it to you.
dear post reader,.
about nine months ago, while surfing through different jw web sites, i came across a reference to an e-mail that was sent to the poster.. the e-mail basically said that with the way that things are going with the society, i.e., so many " waking up", and not being so easy to mislead and control., that there very likely will be a "big" announcement regarding the order to kill the "apostates" and the "wicked people".. the source said that it would go something like this:.
there would be talks, and some wordings in the magazines, alluding to an upcoming announcement.
you people forget that JW's are already ordered to kill..themselves and their children over the god of blood.
the lynn martin show is on right now, started at a few minutes after 9am april 17, 2002 am 800. talking about the 16 year old girl in alberta (blood case).
toll free 1-800-263-2559. call now!!!
she wants callers..
Instead of just mentioning the AJWRB site can someone pelase state THEIR informed view as a former Jw on why the entire blood doctrine is a farce?
i am 7 years old and would like to make some friends with any ex jw kids out there.. i like music, dancing, movies (just saw clockstoppers, it was awesome), books.
we are about to move and i made a house out of the boxes!
my mom says i should be an engineer when i grow up because i can make lots of neat things with the boxes!.
Man I got scarred for life when we moved and the kitty 'had to move away'... I hope you guys give the kitty a good home if you have to let her go :(
-who at 23 still misses the kitty he lost at age 9
We should all meet sometime. Party at my house! bring beer!