Yes sir ree bob tail, I had a big one. I had four hours into my brand new job making $18.00 and hour which would have topped out at $25.00 in two months when I got this quezzy feeling in my chest and became light headed and weak kneed. One of the girls looked out her office door and said, "Do you need help?" Raising my head off the the lumber pile I answered, "Yes, I think I'm having a heart attack?" THe pari-medics arrived within minutes ushered me to Dessert Spring Critical care Center in Las Vegas, NV. USA and was given massive injections of a clot buster and when it broke through the clot I saw every vivid techicolor ever produced then a great light the color of the sun burst upon my brain and they said he made it.When I woke up I had two stencts placed inside the right artery.
If you ever need a cardiologist while in Las Vegas, here is the best.
Ram K. Singh @ 702-733-2982.
If you get the slightest uneasiness in your chest and light headed and weak knee don't play around. Call 911
Well any way here is to sucking air again.
Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams