Actually, its pretty funny to look at the titles of a lot Dr.Suess books and think about the JWs ...
how about GREEN EGGS AND HAM, alternative title - THE ROTTEN FOOD PROVIDED
pinching following on fromprestons idea of the movie theme i'll start...................... pride and prejudice.
wuthering brooklyn heights.
the awakening.
Actually, its pretty funny to look at the titles of a lot Dr.Suess books and think about the JWs ...
how about GREEN EGGS AND HAM, alternative title - THE ROTTEN FOOD PROVIDED
to all christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised messiah being jesus of nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?
If only that was a good excuse all the time.
love michelle
to all christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised messiah being jesus of nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?
Dear Satanus,
I do not want you to "go away".
Please, I apologize for sounding "self-righteous" when I made my comment to you. I spoke to you from my heart, with love. We are, after all, just brothers of a another mother.
love michelle
pinching following on fromprestons idea of the movie theme i'll start...................... pride and prejudice.
wuthering brooklyn heights.
the awakening.
War Then Peace.
Grim Fairy Tales
to all christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised messiah being jesus of nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?
Dear Satanus,
Jew, asked an honest question. Some of us are trying to give him a constructive answer. You, it seems, are just plain critical. Why don't you do something constructive with your criticisim, and EXAMINE YOURSELF.
to all christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised messiah being jesus of nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?
Point taken, but I was noting the process which the heart and mind need to go through, to make Jesus its own, I wasn't dictating what a person should do.
to all christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised messiah being jesus of nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?
Jew, after you read all the books out there pro vs con on Jesus and or His "ordination" it comes right down to YOU and your belief, YOUR understanding, YOUR acceptance of Him. Don't let anyone else dictate what your heart wants. Your mind might think that in order to believe you must turn to a certain "religion", Do not believe that. Your heart and mind must turn to Jesus, or God (if you are "stiff-necked" )
love michelle
to all christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised messiah being jesus of nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?
Everyones experience of the "confrontation" is different, as different as one individual is from the other. It is not our place to judge how people react to this experience. Especially since, being imperfect, we have a tendency to be critical of "things out of the norm."
to all christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised messiah being jesus of nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?
millions of people over the last 2000 years have come to believe and have great faith in a humble carpenters son from a dust bowl named Nazareth.. This same son displayed the righteousness and satisfied the justice (life for a life) required of the Hebrew God. Some Jews recognised Him then and millions of people from diverse cultures have recognised Him since. Some have claimed life altering - to- complete life changing experiences. All in a personal one on one "confrontation" for lack of a better word. Mass delusion? For what purpose? I think there is reason to believe, based on the improbability of 2000 years of mass delusion, that this Jesus, this carpenters son, is the promised Messiah.
love michelle
p.s. God called the Hebrews "a stiff-necked people" and took into account that, as a nation, they may not accept Jesus as the Messiah, because of this Jesus declared "If you don't believe(in) Me, at least believe(in) the One that sent Me. Jesus also said that He would return in glory in the future. Based on the "mind picture" the Jews have of the comming Messiah, the Jesus that has promised to return in glory, is more fitting and more apt to be accepted by the Jews. In fact, when Jesus came the first time He (symbolically) fit the mold of the redeemer(making it possible to co-habitate with God) more than He (literally) fit the mold of the savior of the earth. Which is what the Jews are waiting more expectantly for.
recently, xlaurax asked for some good questions to ask jw's when they come to visit.
the following is taken from ray franz's book, crisis of conscience, pages 330 and 331. these are very good questions and should do the job nicely.. .
what plain statement in scripture could anyone, governing body member or anyone else, point to and say, "here, the bible clearly says":.
If the question is continuity. Then could it be that God has some other empty vessel for our conscious to be placed into at the exact moment of our death? In the Bible to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, I happens in less time than a blinking of the eye. We have a longer dissassociation when we are sleeping, than the time it is said to take to be transfered.
p.s. collector say: If you place any value in your bucket have it expertly cleaned, even if, at a later kick it!