dear Vander...
what did you say?...are you saying that any image that man fashions and calls "christ" isn't wrong to worship? and that the orthodox "religious" isn't the habitation of Jesus Christ any more than say someone who refuses to name Jesus?'re not articulating what you believe or think.
dear Terry...
so, considering man would be encountering Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth we ought to be reverent towards Him and show reverence toward the "church" He founded as well since He dwells in "it"?
profound statements should make us think...
What profit is the image, that its maker should carve it,
The molded image, a teacher of lies,
That the maker of its mold should trust in it,
To make mute idols?
Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Awake!’
To silent stone, ‘Arise! It shall teach!’
Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver,
Yet in it there is no breath at all.
“ But the LORD is in His holy temple.
Let all the earth keep silence before Him.” habakkuk 2:18-20
love michelle