dear Christ Alone...
please don't fret. I think we all may have given consideration and commented on the OP...
love michelle
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
dear Christ Alone...
please don't fret. I think we all may have given consideration and commented on the OP...
love michelle
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
dear Tammy...
you said: "So Moses was into spiritism? Paul? Peter? John? Christ, Himself? How many times in his revelation did John state that he heard a voice? Paul states that He learned from Christ, and this after Christ had already died and risen. Peter also." response to my statement: "wanting and listening for a voice or voices to speak to you is spiritism."...
NONE of these people were wanting and listening for a voice to respond...they were CONFRONTED with a voice and a vision. There are even others besides these people who were confronted and heard a voice accompanied with seeing something: mary M(angels at the tomb), ananias(re:paul acts 9:10) the transfiguration on the mt., JtB(the dove)...there is one example of saul using a witch as a mediator(spiritism)...and he didn't see anything, he just heard a voice.
but that fact aside...there is collaboration between every one of these people, there is internal consistancy in the message they teach AND they are the "fathers" of the faith!!!!
you said: "Weighing what anyone states against Christ... sure. Because Christ is the TRUTH, the anchor if you will, to test all else."...but you are weighing what you hear other people say against what you hear your lord if you are listening to a deceiving spirit to begin with then obviously the scales will fall heaviest on the side of what you are hearing. in the bible there is collaboration and internal consistancy on the matters of hell, salvaton in Jesus Christ alone and by extention what/Who we will be judged by. we can see (and hear) this internal consistancy in the scriptures and we can weigh whatever any living person says by what we can see (and hear) written...that is the standard of truth not a voice that has NO collaborating evidence.
you said: "If it is against the Spirit of Truth (Christ) then yes, that is a deceiving spirit. And THAT is discernment of the spirits... testing what one hears; so as to know what is a true inspired expression and what is false: against Christ, the Spirit of Truth."...see my response above.
you said: "No, that is why one is to TEST the inspired expressions. Test anything you hear; test anything others tell you... and test them against Christ."...see my response above.
you said: "I reject the interpretation that has been applied[re: hell], due perhaps to the false pen of the scribes who thought they had the right understanding. But who perhaps did not look to CHRIST for discernment."...see my response above.
you said: "None that I can recall." response to my question: "have you read any of my posts about what and where hell is?"...then HOW can you make this remark?..."I don't hear his voice when you speak either (some things, when they stem from love, i can hear him in what you are saying)... but certainly I do not hear him when you speak of hell."
you asked for an example in your post #11205 on page 20 my response is ...every one of your "theories" I have ever debated or questioned you on was born out of the fact that there was no consistancy from one concept to another...Jesus Christ isn't holding your ideas together, they all seem to be held together by your "law of love" (But Christ might know some BY the love in them; even if they did not know Him"). to which I will post yet again: "Aside from the fact that your "law of love" seems to be able to replace the purpose of righteousness in Jesus Christ for salvation...there is no distinction made as to whether it is love borne of the Holy Spirit or love born of the fallen flesh. You see, the love that Jesus was talking about was love that is born in the believer of the Holy Spirit and flows upwards and outwards...if someone doesn't believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit then how can the love of God...that perfect uniting love born of the Holy Spirit be in him? can A&E "fallen love" save them?...I think that your "law of love" devalues the nature of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ which is inconsistant with the love of the Father towards Him."...
in luke14:23 the servant is told to *compel people to come to the Masters house...where is it stated that they will be brought into the house by the Master because of your "law of love" in their hearts?...and is your "law of love" consistant with the rest of the scriptures that collaborate the words of Jesus Christ in john 8:24?
love michelle
*compel (gr. #315 cf. #318)
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
dear Tammy...
wanting and listening for a voice or voices to speak to you is spiritism. listening to what real people say and weighing that against what Jesus, His apostles and the prophets have said in the scriptures is discernment of spirits...(as it is written, "the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets": 1 cor 14:32, matthew 5:17, matthew 23:34, luke 16:29, romans 1:1-2, romans 3:21, ephesians 4:11) so if someone actually hears from an disembodied spirit and then teaches what they hear to others but that teaching is not in harmony with what Jesus or the scriptures say then that is a teaching of a deceiving spirit. one who hears from the disembodied could be deceived with no intention of deceiving others but that is WHY one shouldn't even want to listen for a voice or voices...because there are many disembodied spirits all to willing to deceive...they are in league with satan who goes about like a roaring lion seeking those he can devour.
If you don't hear Jesus in my voice when I talk about hell, does that mean that you reject all the accounts of hell spoken by Jesus in the bible as the false pen of the scribes?
btw...have you read any of my posts about what and where hell is?...if you could, please explain what you think I've said...
love michelle
p.s. I said your theology lacks internal consistancy...I never said anything about the Lord or people being inconsistant...when the spirit of the prophets is subject to the prophets the natural result is an internally consistant theology.
okay i thought i'd make an official thread on this since it's being talked about a lot lately.
this is the truth taught in the bible about getting holy spirit and about if there are really human leaders or not.
i'll quote all from the nwt for the benefit for jw lurkers, the message is not lost and everyone can check their own translations.
dear EndofMysteries...
you said: " Everything in the new testament also shows no human instructors, except for giving a foundation, but that anybody can get holy spirit."...
ok...Jesus was talking to His disciples who He had already instructed as to Who the "foundation" is...the disciples all had the CORRECT FOUNDATION which they could build on in their ministry to their congregations. The bible teaches that only those who are in union with the Father and the Son are given the Holy Spirit which will lead them into all truth...this is entirely different than "anybody can get holy spirit"...the Holy Spirit is only given to those who are in union with the Father and the Son...AND in order to be in union with the Father and the Son you have to have been taught who the Father and the Son are, that would be the CORRECT FOUNDATION.
Since you dismiss the fact that the catholic church IS the historic church that Jesus Christ started building upon and since you dismiss further building or "growth" in that historic church by way of the protestant reformation AND you dismiss the foundation that they are building on but instead go your own way in forming your own very much are your own human instructor......I think that is why you are all over the map, EoM.
1 corinthians 3:11 declares that Jesus Christ is the correct foundation. So if you don't know who Jesus Christ the man IS then you don't have the correct foundation...even some who believed that He was the Messiah didn't have the correct foundation...and they were baptised into the name of the Lord Jesus (acts 8:16-17)...there is a foundational apostolic teaching in the command that Jesus gives to those who are to go into the world TEACHING and making disciples (matthew 28:19)
Now, if you start teaching yourself with your own FOUNDATION...why would you expect the Holy Spirit to lead you into all the other truth?
love michelle
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
Jesus concluded, "Not my will Father but yours". So, though He may have been tempted to marry like other men He put off desires of the flesh being well aware of what was going to happen to Him and why.
He was sent to do the will of the Father, that is, to bring forth spiritual children into the kingdom. He is betrothed to the church and the children of the kingdom are born of the Holy Spirit. That was accomplished in His earthly ministry and still is the will of the Father.
love michelle
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
dear Tammy...
I've been thinking about the things you say in order to better understand where your coming from. I have to say that as much as I understand your idea of love for loves sake or "the law of love" as you call is a naive and childish (not childlike) theology. Yes, I know you don't like "theology" but anyone who tries to understand the relationship of God to man is practicing theology...that includes you.
perhaps it is because you don't like "theology" and are unwilling to look into the deeper things of God that what is your theology is severely lacking internal consistancy. the one you say is your lord seems to be inconsistant in his values in that for one person(AGuest) he makes it quite clear that his real name must be sanctified with the exclusion of all others but for another person(you) it isn't so important at all. His personality is inconsistant in that, though the Son makes it quite clear in the scriptures that He was sent to save...your lord has made it clear to you that anyone's righteousness is enough to save long as they live "the law of love".
Aside from the fact that your "law of love" seems to be able to replace the purpose of righteousness in Jesus Christ for salvation...there is no distinction made as to whether it is love borne of the Holy Spirit or love born of the fallen flesh. You see, the love that Jesus was talking about was love that is born in the believer of the Holy Spirit and flows upwards and outwards...if someone doesn't believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit then how can the love of God...that perfect uniting love born of the Holy Spirit be in him? can A&E "fallen love" save them?
I think that your "law of love" devalues the nature of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ which is inconsistant with the love of the Father towards Him.
would you consider the possiblility that you might need to fine tune your law of love to better reflect the purpose of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit ?...or perhaps you would consider stating the truth about the fact that your law of love in no way amends or replaces the need for salvation in Jesus Christ alone. Can you be forthright about that without fear of sounding judgemental? at this point your theological construction implies that your interpretation of the law of love is enough.
love michelle
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
dear NewChapter...
I don't know what will happen to her but she says she wont deny him OR that he talks to her...I was wondering if she was afraid of something happening or if anything at all would happen if she denied him.
love michelle
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
dear Tammy...
does the saying "My sheep hear My voice" have to mean hear an audible voice? can very well be an expression meaning, My sheep will know whether what other people speak is coming from My heart...(1 thess 1:1-9)
that is what discerning "spirits" is about...that is how I know that AGuest doesn't speak for the Son sent by the Father...I don't hear His voice when she speaks...
I also know that God wouldn't use the same means to speak to people as the demons must use. We are warned against listening to deceptive spirits. even a nice demon is a deceptive demon if he causes you to listen to him over a real live person. that's one reason why the canon was formed...we know that the Holy Spirit led real live people to testify about Jesus Christ and to live their life to glorify God in Jesus Christ(1 thess 1:1-9) wasn't just left up to anyone to hear a spirit and pass it on. there are too many spirits with many different voices who are all too willing to talk to humans. you know what will happen to you if you deny your lord?...
love michelle
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
dear Tammy...
I disagreed with your statement: "This world was not meant to have pain/suffering/death."...the bible says that it is this world that God confined pain, suffering and death to. it is His garden that wasn't meant to have pain, suffering and death, that's why A&E were cast out to this world.
well, when AGuest said that Jesus doesn't even exist it kind of allowed me to see her process of elimination...and that's why I asked you, since you are her sister in the same christ, what you think of her statement...because if she "hears" the same christ so much more clearly than can't really say for sure that your opinion is the correct one if it disagrees with hers, can you?...what if, down the road, this christ that you both hear tells you the same thing that brought AGuest to her process of elimination? what if he says that it does matter A LOT how you say his really matters because if you say it wrong, you are actually addressing someone who doesn't exist!
this is something that you should really think about because if you start to "hear" your lord as well as AGuest hears your might have to adopt this same attitude in order to please him...I mean, eventually, if you want to "hear" as well as AGuest so as to better explain your lord to everyone and stop people from calling on someone who doesn't even exist, right?...that is if you really want people to make use of the provision of salvation by use of that name.
personally, I wouldn't want to, nor do I encourage, hearing any incorporeal "voice"...especially that demon belphegor that AGuest has let loose.
love michelle
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
dear Tammy...
you said: "His name is Jaheshua. I have been hesitant to use this name... because I did not hear it first from Him. But I have asked Him, and in his mercy, He has said His name to me. Quietly, so quietly, that I could have ignored Him if I wanted to..."
in acts 4:12 the Son of God is called the stone which the builders rejected, that stone is consistantly named Jesus. and we are told "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" it unreasonable to expect that if Jesus is not the name given that the real name would be given to everyone loudly in order that more might be saved?
your friend AGuest has said that Jesus Christ doesn't even you realize how many people (who whole heartedly turned to Jesus) she condemns as unsaved by her statement in relation to what it says in the bible in acts 4:12? what are your thoughts on that since you both have stated that you are sisters "in" your christ?
love michelle