dear PSacramento...
you said: " Where is the word created? to conceive in the sense of giving birth is not to create. "...
I'm not talking about "to conceive in the sense of giving birth"...I happen to believe that Jesus the Man was created at a point in [our] time. God created from His Spirit and the ovum of the virgin Mary...the result is a completely new creation. This in no way takes anything away from Jesus the Christ, but solidifies His UNIQUENESS. fully God, fully human.
Jesus came into BEING at the time of conception (He was not there, then He was there). God the Son is self-existant and didn't come into BEING, He's always BEEN. He said: "Before abraham was, I AM"...
do you believe that Jesus the Man is pre-existant and un-created? how have you come to these conclusions?
I think that because Jesus the Man is relative to the salvation OF man, it doesn't make sense and or even seem possible that Jesus the Man was pre-existant to the creation OF man. He couldn't really be OF the seed of Jesse if there was no Jesse yet Though, the need for a saviour(the Christ, Messiah) of man can be known ahead of [our] time (creation) by God since He sees the end from the beginning. Hence the certainty of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
love michelle
p.s. you said: "John 1:1 is a statement of nature. Jesus is divine. Like Colossians, Philipians and Hebrews, all statements of his equal nature with the Father."...having some of the attributes of God can equate with some of the characteristics of God...but being of the the same nature as God would make Jesus deity...fact scripture states that the indwelling Holy Spirit produces divine qualities or attributes in men but that doesn't make them deity...divinity and deity are corresponding but different.