dear mP...
you are right, the law of moses does not name Jesus Christ. But Jesus did fulfil the law. you will have to understand the law to see this however.
jews are judged by their law (the law of moses) and that is WHY that law will stand until all things are the final judgement jews will be judged by their law. (romans 2:12)
gentiles that do by nature what is contained in the law aare said to be a law unto themselves. Now not having the law they would even know about all 613 jewish laws but they would, by nature, understand what being just is and what mercy is and what being moral etc (this scripture doesn't speak about every gentile, only the ones who do do by nature...) (romans 2:14-16)
regardless of the law of moses on the part of the jews or any instinctive or internal natural law keeping on the part of the gentiles...paul goes on to say that both jews and gentiles have been confined under sin. (romans 3:9-18)
when a person sins those sins are held against you - stacked up. it is my understanding that if you are a jew then you are judged according to the law of moses there is provision that those sins against another are brought out into the open and the jew makes atonement to the individual(s) that were sinnned against...but... those sins are still stacked up and they still have to be covered over and forgiven by God and a sacrifice presented to Him.
gentiles without the law have no such provision - those sins remain stacked against them. there is nothing that will get rid of them or cover over them or remove them...regardless of how regularily you make atonement and ask forgiveness of the individual(s) you have sinned against.
the gentile will be judged by God according to all those sins that have not been covered over or removed...that means every single sin you ever committed! throughout the years that stack can get awfully big. (romans 2:12)
however the Good News is - God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for those sins for ANYONE who would accept that free gift...the blood sacrifice that would cover over all those sins so that those sins would be forgiven by God in a similar manner as that in the jewish sacrifice that covers over their sins.
Remember the priests who caught a woman in adultery? they had a stack of sins that hadn't been covered over and forgiven by God yet (john 8:1-9)
***Jesus said unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins (naham 1:6)and Jesus said you must repent and believe to be saved...saved from what? God's wrath against sin in the judgement (romans 2:5)***
How did Jesus fulfill the law? mark 2:6-7
love michelle